Most Americans Support DACA and Oppose the Wall. Trump Says They Are ‘Complicit’ in Murder.

‘I’m Donald Trump and I Approve This Message’

87 percent of Americans support the Dreamers and DACA, the Obama-era program that helps these undocumented immigrants brought into the U.S. as children to stay in this country. 61 percent oppose President Trump’s border wall.

There is not a rash of illegal immigration into the U.S., and in fact “border patrol arrests have dropped to a 45-year low,” in 2017, NBC News reports. What has increased dramatically is the Trump administration’s arrests and deportations of undocumented immigrants, even those who have never even been charged with a single crime – aside from being undocumented.

Senator Chuck Schumer on Friday visited the White House and agreed to Trump’s demands. The Senate Minority Leader agreed to support funding for Trump’s border wall and for a huge increase in military spending.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly called Schumer shortly after he left: He told him his offer was declined.

Late Saturday Trump, via his 2020 campaign re-election committee, released one of the most racist and vile political ads ever. That he did so while not even in the middle of an actual campaign makes this even worse.

“President Trump is right. Build the wall. Deport criminals. Stop illegal immigration, now,” Trump’s ad, which the White House today is defending, says. “Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants. President Trump will fix our border and keep our families safe.”

At the end it says, “I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message.”

Sorry, Mr. President, but it’s not just Democrats who support DACA. The vast majority of GOP voters do too.

And if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had done his job months ago and passed a bill to fix DACA – which President Trump for no good reason out of the blue decided to kill – we would not be sitting in the middle of a shutdown of the federal government.

If Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had allowed legislation to come to the floor to fix CHIP, the Children’s Health Insurance Program which expired four months ago, we would not be sitting in the middle of a shutdown of the federal government.

But back to Trump’s despicable ad.

Here’s what some are saying about it:



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