Devin Nunes Gets Snippy With FBI Over ‘Spurious Objections’

‘It’s No Surprise to See the FBI and DOJ Issue Spurious Objections’ GOP Intelligence Chairman Accuses

Republican House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes is hitting back at the FBI, calling its rare public statement objecting to the release of a memo he authored “spurious.” The FBI earlier Wednesday essentially accused him of spreading false information.

It is a strange, unprecedented, and very public battle between two branches of government. Worse, the president is backing Congressman Nunes instead of his own FBI, because the Nunes memo purportedly is constructed to paint Trump as a victim of intelligence surveillance.

In his public statement just released, Nunes accused the FBI of having “stonewalled Congress’ demands for almost a year,” adding, “it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies.”

The Nunes memo was reportedly drafted by Nunes without having examed all the relevant information, and the FBI today said: “we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

In other words, the FBI accused Nunes of lying.

Nunes infamously last March claimed there were FISA abuses he had discovered, and ran to the White House supposedly to share them with the president – the White House reportedly had given him that information.

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