United Nations Officially Condemns Trump Decision to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem by Huge Margin

128-9 Against the U.S.

The United Nations has just voted to officially condemn President Donald Trump’s highly controversial decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The vote was strongly against the United States, 128-9. The vote also calls on the U.S. to reverse its decision, something President Trump is unlikely to do.

Trump and his UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, have threatened other nations that vote against the U.S. decision, suggesting they may cut off international aid.

Canada had intended to support the U.S. decision, but after President Trump and Ambassador Haley’s offensive threats, saying they will be “watching” and “taking names” of those who vote against the U.S., Canada abstained from voting.

No country other than Israel has openly supported Trump’s decision to officially declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel. 

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