Trump Uses Fatal Amtrak Crash to Push Non-Existent Infrastructure Bill

Former NTSB Inspector Says It Would Have Had No Effect

President Donald Trump has now spoken out about Monday morning’s terrible crash in Washington State, in which a derailed Amtrak train accident has left at least six people dead and about 77 people injured, according to initial reports.

Trump, who has claimed he likes to get there facts straight when Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-Right are involved, didn’t bother to in his Monday afternoon tweet, but did manage to use the fatal crash as a vehicle to try to build support for his non-existent infrastructure bill. 

The president. apparently responding to those who noted he didn’t seem to care about the dead and injured, subsequently posted a “thoughts and prayers” tweet.

MSNBC had been speaking with former National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Investigator-in-Charge Russell Quimby, who was asked about Trump shilling out his infrastructure tweet.

Quimby responded that this crash happened on private infrastructure, so a federal infrastructure bill would not have affected this incident. 

On Twitter, others scolded the president also:

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