Trump Tweets Video of His Visit with Hospitalized Survivors of Las Vegas Massacre

‘In What Universe Is This Appropriate?’ 

President Donald Trump and the First Lady traveled to Las Vegas to “pay our respects and to see the police,” he said, Wednesday morning before boarding his helicopter. There was little news coming out of Trump’s trip, but the president just tweeted what he must have thought was a great video of his visit with a few of the 527 hospitalized survivors of the massacre that killed 59 people.

With all due respect to the survivors, this is not a great video. It’s a tribute not to them, not to the human spirit, not to the greatness of America, but to Donald Trump. But that’s what we should expect from the man who just this morning on his way to Las Vegas told reporters, “It’s a very, very sad day for me personally.”

The music is Lee Greenwood singing his iconic, signature song, “God Bless the USA.” The juxtaposition of the song, with lyrics that say, “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free,” literally echoes Bill O’Reilly’s perverse statement that the Las Vegas massacre is the price Americans pay for freedom.

The video also shows Trump’s discomfort with people. Melania Trump is far more engaged with the survivors than the President is. 

Toward the end of the two-minute clip Trump poses with hospital employees and gives a big “thumbs up,” in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.

There’s also a close-up of a bulletin board where someone wrote “#MAGA.”

This is pure Trump propaganda, including a large dose of nationalism.

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