Seth Meyers ‘Applauds’ Jeff Flake’s ‘Kinda-Sorta Guts’: ‘Way to Eventually Go!’

Flake’s Speech Too Little Too Late?

Seth Meyers was less than impressed with Senator Jeff Flake’s speech Tuesday attacking Republicans for not standing up to Trump. Flake announced in the Senate floor speech he will not seek re-election. And while many are applauding Flake for doing the right thing by putting country over party, others, like Meyers, are chastising him for not doing more sooner, and for still voting to support Trump’s agenda.

All right! Jeff Flake! Way to eventually go!” Meyers mocked. “It took kinda-sorta guts to stand up only 11 months after the election and tell America not to elect Donald Trump.”

“You said, ‘Hey, I don’t care if this hurts my 18 percent approval rating. And yeah, maybe I voted to confirm Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos, even though one lied during his confirmation hearing, and the other spells ‘lie’ with an ‘h.’ But I’m going stand up and do what was right a year ago. I’m going to fight for the American people — by quitting my job of fighting for the American people.’”


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