White House Outrageously Suggests Trump Did DACA Recipients a Favor by Killing DACA

‘A Potential and Immediate Shutdown of the Entire DACA Program’ Was Not About to Happen

The White House wants Americans to believe that President Trump did DREAMers a favor by killing the DACA program. 

“This morning faced with the very real possibility of a potential and immediate shutdown of the entire DACA program by a federal court,” Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Tuesday afternoon, “President Trump took the responsible and constitutional step of announcing that the administration would be phasing out the program over the next two years.”

That’s remarkably false.

First, although it might sound like it’s unimportant, it’s not. President Trump did not make the announcement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was tasked with making the announcement. The White House Press Office followed up later with a press release.

When challenged on that, Huckabee Sanders outrageously told a reporter, “You have heard directly from the president. He issued a pretty lengthy statement.” 

The Trump administration was not faced with a “very real possibility of a potential and immediate shutdown of the entire DACA program by a federal court.” Ten state attorneys general threatened a lawsuit against the administration if Trump did not kill DACA by today.

Trump could have stood up to them, and defended DACA in court, if he chose to do so. Further, the ACLU says DACA is constitutional.

If it came to a lawsuit, DACA would not be shut down immediately. Lawsuits take time.

So, Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ comments are clearly false.

She also insisted, “It’s not coldhearted for the president to uphold the law.”

Killing DACA means 800,000 undocumented immigrants will be forced to stop working or going to school, and will end up being deported to countries they have never known.


Watch: Massive Protests Erupt Across the Country After Trump Kills DACA

Trump Pawns DACA Announcement Off on Jeff Sessions – Then Gleefully Tweets He’s Tossing DACA to Congress

Trump Kills DACA: Sessions Calls Program ‘Unconstitutional’ and His Duty to End

DACA: Jeff Sessions Implies DREAMers Bring Crime and Violence to America (Remarks – Full Text)

Obama to Issue Rare Statement if Trump Kills DACA as Expected

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