Trump Tweets ‘No Deal’ Was Made on DACA – Then Defends Deal Made on DACA

Flip Flop, Forgetfulness, or Faking?

President Donald Trump waited until early morning Thursday to publicly weigh in on the deal he struck Wednesday night with Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation by making DACA federal law. 

He now denies there was any deal made.

Wednesday night the president dined with the two top Democrats in the White House. Minutes after leaving, House Minority Leader Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer released a joint statement announcing they had forged a deal with Trump to protect DREAMers.

“We agreed to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides,” the statement reads.

Well after their statement was released, Trump managed to tweet a lie about China’s business tax rates, and two tweets lying about “Crooked Hillary Clinton,” but none about the explosive news DACA would become law.

Thursday morning, Trump tweeted there was “no deal made” – and then detailed the same conditions Pelosi and Schumer noted in their statement.

Not only did Trump’s tweet saying no deal was made echo the deal made, according to the top Democrats, he then actually went on to defend the deal, and DACA itself – which is more support for DACA than he has ever voiced before.

So, is Trump trying to make it look like he lied to the Democrats? Is he trying to sooth his base, which right now is beyond furious he made a deal to make DACA law?

This is how Rep. Steve King, Republican of Iowa and likely the most racist Congressman in the nation, reacted to the AP story Wednesday night on the DACA deal:

Or did Trump just forget, hours after he made the deal?

Here’s what some on Twitter are saying:

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