Trump Shares GIF of Himself Striking Clinton, Claim That ‘Only True Americans’ See He’s ‘Making America Great’

Also Dubbed Kim Jong-un ‘Rocket Man’

The President of the United States spent his morning retweeting praises from his supporters on Twitter, including an edited GIF of Trump striking his former political opponent (and former Secretary of State and First Lady) Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.

Prior to rewarding potential Internet bots with retweets, Trump grossly downplayed the severity of North Korea by labeling dictator Kim Jong-un “Rocket Man.”

“I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night,” Trump wrote. “Asked him how Rocket Man is doing. Long gas lines forming in North Korea. Too bad!”

He then retweeted a user’s praise – “we love and support Trump!” – though he would return to the user soon after to retweet their claim that “only true Americans can see that president Trump is making America great.”

“He’s the only person who can,” the user asserted. “Haters are jealous of his success.”

Amidst this, the president retweeted a series of “Trumpism 5.0” images:

Trump then retweeted user “Fuctupmind,” who four days ago tweeted about “Donald Trump’s amazing golf swing” with the hashtag “Crooked Hillary.” The tweet, now retweeted and endorsed by the president, included a GIF showing Donald Trump hitting a golf ball into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s back, causing her to fall. Of course, it’s not the first time Trump has retweeted violence.

The GIF can be seen below:

The president concluded his morning by retweeting himself – possibly his biggest supporter – doubling down on his response to the recent London Terror attack by saying ‘we must cut off’ the Internet.

Trump also reasserted that “the travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and specific,” retweeting his internationally-criticized take this week.

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