McMaster: Trump ‘Certainly’ Could Stay in Paris Agreement if ‘There’s an Agreement That Benefits’ Americans (Video)

White House Denied Reports U.S. May Not Withdraw

Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said early Sunday that the United States could “certainly” stay in the Paris Agreement, “if there’s an agreement that benefits the American people.”

McMaster appeared on ABC’s “This Week,” and was pressed on the matter by host George Stephanopoulos following Saturday’s Wall Street Journal report that Trump may not withdraw from the agreement, over three months after Trump advised that he would.

The White House quickly denied those reports, with Deputy Press Secretary Lindsay Walter advising “there has been no change in the United States’ position on the Paris agreement. As the President has made abundantly clear, the United States is withdrawing unless we can re-enter on our terms that are more favorable to our country.”

“The president was very clear in that statement… he said the United States would withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord,” Stephanopoulos told McMaster. “Of course, that withdraw can’t take place until 2020. So, are you saying if you can re-negotiate better terms before 2020, the U.S. will not withdraw?”

“I would just go back to what the president said,” McMaster replied. “Of course he’s open to any discussions that will help us improve the environment, that would help us ensure energy security, and will advance our prosperity. And the prosperity of American workers, and American businesses.”

“So it is possible the United States would stay in if you could get a new agreement,” Stephanopoulos pressed.

“If there’s an agreement that benefits the American people,” McMaster replied, “certainly.”

The full exchange can be seen below:

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