Watch: Ellen DeGeneres Tells Megyn Kelly She Refuses to Allow Donald Trump on Her Show

Ellen Says Trump Is ‘Dangerous – for the Country, and for Me Personally as a Gay Woman’ and ‘To the World’

Megyn Kelly sat down with Ellen DeGeneres to discuss her new NBC News show. Ellen asked Kelly if she would ever invite President Donald Trump on her show. 

“Definitely,” Kelly responded. “I mean, I would not say no to the sitting president of the United States,” she explained.

“Really?” Ellen responded, a bit surprised.

“Absolutely not. Would you?” Kelly asked.

“Yeah,” DeGeneres said, without a second thought, to huge cheers and applause. “I would not have him on the show.”

And she had a darn good explanation.

He is who he is and he gets enough attention and he has his Twitter account and he has ways to get his message across,” DeGeneres told Kelly. “There’s nothing I’m going to say to him that’s going to change him and I don’t want to give him a platform, because it just validates him,” she added. 

“And for me to have someone on the show, I have to at least admire them in some way. And I can’t have someone that I feel is not only dangerous – for the country, and for me personally as a gay woman – but to the world. He’s dividing all of us. I just don’t want him on the show.”

Kelly was surprised with the concept of not interviewing a high profile politician or celebrity – which has been her downfall since leaving Fox News.

Megyn Kelly’s interview with Vladimir Putin at a forum in June was a disaster.

She followed that up by interviewing conspiracy therorist Alex Jones, which was also a disaster.

NBC News is spending millions on Kelly, and so far, it has not gone well.

Meanwhile, Ellen DeGeneres is among the most popular people in America.

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