NY Daily News Brilliantly Mocks Trump Ignoring Science, Looking Directly at Solar Eclipse

‘Trump Ignores Fake News Warning, Stares at Eclipse’

President Donald Trump ignored the incessant warnings Americans have heard over the past week: Don’t look directly at the sun without special protective glasses during the solar eclipse.

Trump and the First Family casually and unenthusiastically watched the historic near-total eclipse of the sun from the White House Monday afternoon, and true to form, did so at one point without wearing the special eyewear.

Some on social media pointed out Trump’s terrible parenting skills – his youngest son was, in a rare moment, on camera yet trump looked at the sun directly.

But the New York Daily News, which has published countless covers brilliantly blasting the New York real estate baron, offered up the perfect front page for its “ Edition.”

“Not Too Bright!” the huge headline reads.

“Trump ignores fake news warning, stares at eclipse,” the sub-head reads. 

“We could have had the blind leading the country,” the cover story reads. “President Trump, deciding to challenge the sun itself, stared straight into the solar eclipse Monday afternoon without protective glasses — showing the entire nation exactly what not to do.”

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