The Religious Right Is Now Uniting Around a Manifesto Attacking, You Guessed It, LGBT People, Because

‘It Is Sinful to Approve of Homosexual Immorality or Transgenderism’ Signers Say

Let’s take stock for a moment.

Thanks to Hurricane Harvey, millions of people in America have literally just lost everything – their homes, their cars, their businesses. Some – we have no idea how many actually – but in all likelihood a lot, have died. 

We have a president who is (probably) under investigation, members of his team and even his family definitely are too. Every day brings new news of what we used to think were cataclysmic events in the political world. 

Americans are suffering through climate change. Our nation is more divided than at any time since the Civil War, and trust in once veritable institutions is grotesquely lacking.

Millions of Americans when they have time to think about it are faced with possibly losing their health insurance thanks to Republican lawmakers. Since entering America, millions of undocumented immigrants are living in greater fear than they have ever before of being deported to countries where they may face death at the hands of the very gangs they fled.

Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, and other hate groups are now marching in America’s cities.

And there is an astounding amount of hate, hopelessness, divisiveness, and anger advancing across America.

So America’s Christian right has devoted a good deal of time and money and come up with a document they have just released: The Nashville Statement.

Does it urge Americans of all faiths or none to come together for the greater good, put aside our differences, and remember what a great land we live in?

Does it seek to rediscover the true message of Christ: to love one another?

Is it designed to give hope and support to those who need it most?

No to all of the above.

Instead, the Nashville Statement, affirms their beliefs that LGBT people are bad.

The Nashville Statement boasts about 150 initial signers – some of the best-known names among the Southern Baptist, Evangelical, and far Christian right.

Many will recognize at least a few of these names:

James Dobson, Founder, Focus on the Family
Russell Moore, President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
Erick Erickson, Editor in Chief, The Resurgent
David French, Senior Writer, National Review
Richard Land, President, Southern Evangelical Seminary
Eric Teetsel, President, Family Policy Alliance of Kansas

Almost all of the above, and almost all of the 150 or so signatories, support Donald Trump, a man who doesn’t have a clue about the Bible, is probably the least “Christian” president America has ever had, has been married and divorced three times, sins daily, has admitted he does not ask God for forgiveness, and, well, the list is long.

The Nashville Statement mentions the word “homosexual” six times, “transgender” four times, “biological sex” four times, and marriage seven times.

It says things like, “WE DENY that God has designed marriage to be a homosexual, polygamous, or polyamorous relationship.”

“WE DENY that any affections, desires, or commitments ever justify sexual intercourse before or outside marriage; nor do they justify any form of sexual immorality.”

“WE DENY that adopting a homosexual or transgender self-conception is consistent with God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption.”

The Nashville Statement also “affirms.”

WE AFFIRM that sin distorts sexual desires by directing them away from the marriage covenant and toward sexual immorality— a distortion that includes both heterosexual and homosexual immorality.”

“WE AFFIRM that it is sinful to approve of homosexual immorality or transgenderism and that such approval constitutes an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness.”

Those who sign the document claim it is their “duty to speak the truth in love at all times, including when we speak to or about one another as male or female.” In other words, they’re going to call women who are transgender “men,” and men who are transgender, “women.” 

Here’s what some are saying about this latest act of anti-LGBT hate shrouded in a new package:

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