Extremist Sheriff David Clarke Resigns and Twitter Is Freaking Out He Might Run Homeland Security

Trump Promoted Clarke’s Book Days Ago

David Clarke, one of the most extremist high-profile Trump surrogates ever to grace the cameras of Fox News, has just resigned as Milwaukee County Sheriff. Clarke months ago had announced he was headed to Homeland Security to become an Assistant Secretary. That seemed to have fallen through after CNN revealed Clarke plagiarized portions of his thesis – on Homeland Security.

Upon news breaking that Clarke had resigned today, Twitter went nuts.

There may be good reason. Just days ago Trump, in the middle of Hurricane Harvey, promoted Clarke’s book on Twitter.

“A great book by a great guy,” Trump tweeted. 

How extremist is Clarke? He virulently opposes Black Lives Matter, whom he calls “subhuman creeps.” He intensely supports Donald Trump, and – surprise – has ties to Russia.

“Clarke has well-documented, recent ties to extremist groups, even accepting awards from them,” the ADL reported in May. “The groups with which Clarke has ties are two anti-government groups well known for trying to recruit law enforcement officers into the anti-government extremist movement:  The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) and the Oath Keepers.”

Clarke also appeared on the show of anti-government extremist conspiracy theorist and 9-11 “truther” Alex Jones.  In 2014, when anti-government extremists led by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy staged an armed standoff with the federal government, Clarke tweeted that the Bureau of Land Management should “get out” and “leave the rancher alone.”  In sharp contrast, in 2015, after the Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality, Clarke called for a “revolution” with “pitchforks and torches.”

One person died in his jail after water was withheld for a week. Others, including at least one child, have also died in his jail.

And he’s been called a “fascist.”

UPDATE: Politico reports Clarke “is expected to take a job in the Trump administration, according to two sources familiar with the matter.”

Here’s what people are saying right now about Clarke:


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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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