CNN Reporter Asks Trump: ‘Haven’t You Spread a Lot of Fake News Yourself, Sir?’

‘I Like Real News, Not Fake News, and You Are Fake News’ Trump Says

At a short press event late Monday afternoon, President Donald Trump was asked questions about why he waited until noon Monday to denounce white supremacism. One reporter, CNN’s Senior White House Correspondent, Jim Acosta, asked Trump why he did not condemn the hate groups by name over the weekend. 

“They’ve been condemned,” Trump responded smugly, answering as if it had been a task that had to be done – rather than proudly. Answering proudly, and stating again why, would have sent a strong message reinforcing his original, albeit too late, remarks.

Acosta then asked Trump why he wasn’t holding a press conference. The president responded this was a press conference. (It was not. A presidential press conference is open to a larger number of reporters, traditionally lasts much longer, and the press is allowed to question the president on a wide range of subjects.)

Trump then blasted Acosta.

“I like real news, not fake news, and you are fake news,” Trump, unexpectedly, said as he was walking out of the room. Members of his cabinet were still on hand.

“Haven’t You spread a lot of fake news yourself, sir?” Acosta asked with Trump still in range.

Not satisfied, Acosta took to Twitter:

NEW: Off the Rails: Trump Retweets, Then Deletes, Image of ‘Trump Train’ Plowing Through ‘CNN Reporter’


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