Twitter Mocks Trump for Lie He Tweeted From G-20

‘Everyone Here Is Talking About Why John Podesta Refused to Give the DNC Server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful!’

It’s rather telling that President Donald Trump sought comfort and solace during his trip to the G-20 Friday by turning to an old and dear friend: Twitter. 

Faced with the unenviable truth that his fellow world leaders neither like nor respect him, knowing (hopefully) that as the new U.S. president he should be the center of attention but would not be, Trump took time out to tweet.

Yes, “including the haters.”

You can clearly see where his mind is focused. “Make America Great Again.” “Fake News Media.” And, “Much to discuss,” with zero specifics. But it was this insane tweet that has many on Twitter scratching their heads and just outright mocking the President:

That literally is nonsensical.

First, John Podesta didn’t work for the DNC, so he had no say in the decision to hand over the server, or not. Podesta was hacked by Putin’s thugs, but, well, irrelevant.

Second, the CIA had nothing to do with the request for the DNC’s server, that was solely the FBI.

And lastly, no one, absolutely no world leader at the G-20 would be talking about any of this. It’s insane.

We can assume that any of the G-20 attendees who have seen this lie are mocking Trump behind his back. So again, Trump embarrasses America.

Here’s how Twitter responded:

Image: Screenshot via Bundesregierung/Facebook 


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