Trump Attacks Media, Praises Anti-Gay Pastor and Panders for Evangelical and Veteran Votes in 4th of July Speech (Video)

“I’m President, and They’re Not”

Donald Trump cost taxpayers’ at least $400,000 last night to headline the Celebrate Freedom Concert last night in Washington D.C., utilizing his first 4th of July Speech as president to attack the media, praise an anti-gay pastor and pander for the evangelical and veteran votes.

Trump began his speech by praising Robert Jeffress, the anti-gay megachurch pastor who’s linked homosexuality to both pedophilia and disease. “Pastor, you… have stood with us since the very, very beginning,” Trump said, “and I will always stand with you. I’ve told you that, and I mean that, I will always be with you. I appreciate it.”

The president quickly began pandering for the evangelical vote, touching on the faux “War on Christmas” and promising “we’re going to start saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again.” And although he took the time to block VoteVets, which advises it “represents over 500K vets, military families and supporters” on Twitter, Trump didn’t shy away from seeking the veteran vote, either. Some highlights below:

And while the president assailed the media for the third time yesterday and praised his own social media usage as “modern day presidential” while en route to the Celebrate Freedom Concert, he apparently had more to add once he arrived.

“The fake media,” Trump began, “is trying to silence us. But we will not let them, because the people know the truth. The fake media tried to stop us from going to the White House, but I’m president, and they’re not.” 

“We won, and they lost,” he continued. “The fact is the press has destroyed themselves because they went too far. Instead of being subtle and smart, they used the hatchet. And the people saw it right from the beginning.”

“Their agenda is not your agenda,” the President of the United States asserted.

Donald Trump’s full speech can be seen below:


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