Republicans Are Now So Desperate They’re Begging Hillary Clinton to Fix ObamaCare for Them

(Um, She Posted Her Plan on Her Campaign Website)

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in to law. Almost instantaneously, Republicans in the House and Senate – actually, nearly every person in America who identified as a member of the Tea Party or as a conservative or Republican, insisted “ObamaCare” had to go.

But after more than seven years of promising they will “repeal and replace” ObamaCare, after campaigning for years on that promise, pretty much no Republican lawmaker thought it wise to put together a replacement plan. None of them recognized – or cared about – the devastation to literally tens of millions of Americans repealing ObamaCare would have. (Yes, people will die. It’s a fact.)

And now, the GOP is so desperate, they’re begging Hillary Clinton to help them fix the Affordable Care Act.

Well, kind of.

On Twitter, the official account of the Republican National Committee, the Republican Party, posted a short clip of the former Democratic presidential candidate saying, “We’ve got to fix what’s broken.”

They add: “Where’s your plan, ?”

Now, let’s break this down a bit.

First of all, the official policy of the GOP is not to “fix” ObamaCare, but to “repeal and replace.” Are they opening the door to fixing, not replacing? Doubtful.

Second, both Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have refused to allow Democrats any input in their bills to “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. And President Donald Trump has supported that tactic, inviting only Republicans to the White House to talk about the GOP “health care bills,” which are really plans to give massive tax breaks to the wealthy.

The current Senate plan would force an additional 22 million people off their health care. 

So it’s rather disingenuous of the Republican Party to try to mock Hillary Clinton for not “fixing” the problem they created.

And yes, any “collapsing” of ObamaCare is directly a result of Republicans’ actions.

First, ObamaCare exchanges in states that had governors fully support all its provisions have been far more stable, and saw far lower premium increases than exchanges in states that had governors not support its implementation. 

Second, for seven years Republicans have refused to invest time and effort in to tweaking or providing necessary fixes to ObamaCare. It’s a massive law, with countless parts and players. As Hillary Clinton said, yes, it needs fixing – Democrats are not saying it’s perfect. Even if it were, over time, everything needs fixing. 

Third, insurance is based on actuarial science, which assesses risk. By Donald Trump repeatedly saying he might withhold funding to the exchanges, of course insurance companies are going to either pull out or raise premiums. If you want to buy a car and bank thinks you might not be a good risk, your loan is going to cost a lot more. That’s just basic economics.

Back to the GOP’s tweet.

They also begged Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and even Joe Manchin for plans too.

As several Twitter users noted, Hillary Clinton has a plan, and unlike any Republican, she published it right on her website:

Other Twitter users mocked the GOP, rightly, for trying to push responsibility on the Democrats, when they control both houses of Congress and the White House:

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