Megachurch Choir Premiered ‘Make America Great Again’ Song Amidst Hymns for Donald Trump (Video)

“Let Me Out There, That is the Most Beautiful Music”

Last night, Donald Trump cost taxpayers’ at least $400,000 to headline the Celebrate Freedom Concert in Washington D.C. with anti-gay pastor Robert Jeffress.

The president utilized his first 4th of July speech in office to attack the media, praise the pastor who’s linked homosexuality to pedophilia and pander for the evangelical and veteran votes, but was also rewarded in song by the First Baptist Dallas Church choir.

Video of the song can be seen below:

“Thank you to everyone from First Baptist Dallas,” Trump said at the beginning of his speech. “Tonight, we have been inspired by music that fills our hearts, stirs our souls and reminds us all of who we are: one nation, under God.”

“I heard them backstage, I said ‘let me out there, that is the most beautiful music,’” Trump said, momentarily leaving his teleprompter behind. “Your music honors our heroes more than words could ever do.”

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