Hillary Clinton Totally Owns the GOP After They Ask Her to Reveal Her Plan to Fix ObamaCare

Twitter Explodes: ‘DAMN! @GOP Just Got Owned by HRC. Again. Ă°Ćžâ€Â„Ă°Ćžâ€Â„Ă°Ćžâ€Â„â€™

The Republican Party has controlled both houses of Congress and the White House for 166 days and a few hours, yet they haven’t been able to fulfill seven years worth of promises to repeal and replace ObamaCare. 


It’s gotten so bad for Republicans that on Wednesday afternoon, the official Twitter account of the Republican Party begged Hillary Clinton for her plan to fix ObamaCare.

No, seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. They actually posted a tweet asking the former Democratic presidential nominee for her plan to fix ObamaCare. “Where’s your plan, @HillaryClinton?” the GOP tweeted about ObamaCare.

Of course, it probably was meant as a dig, but, it’s been 238 days since the presidential election, and at some point Republicans are going to have to take the training wheels off and start running the country ñ€“ preferably not into the ground, as they’re currently headed.

As NCRM reported earlier, it’s notable the GOP appears to be hinting they want to fix, not “repeal and replace,” ObamaCare.

And while this was just an inanely bad social media campaign that totally ended up being thrown in their faces, oh wait ñ€“ there’s no upside for Republicans on this. They really blew it.

How badly?

Hillary Clinton just responded ñ€“ as you knew she would ñ€“ and totally owned the Republicans.

In response to their question, “Where’s your plan, @HillaryClinton?” Hillary Clinton tweeted, “Right here. Includes radical provisions like how not to kick 23 mil ppl off their coverage. Feel free to run w/it.”

She included a link to her campaign website page on how she would have made ObamaCare better.

Some responses via Twitter:

The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel also asked a question he probably shouldn’t have:

Here’s how Twitter responded to that:

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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license 


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