Donald Trump Jr’s Email Bombshell Leads Far Right Conservatives to Double Down in Supporting Him

For Mike Huckabee, Bill O’Reilly, and Others, Patriotism Is a Foreign Concept

It started Saturday, with the first New York Times story. Then another story Sunday. Monday morning, it was all hands on deck, or, more specifically, the “alt-right” on deck.

Axios reporter Jonathan Swan noted on Twitter a text he received from a source “close to” the White House: “Pepe Nation on high alert. Today’s mission: Operation We Got Don Jr.’s Back.”

For the blissfully uninformed, “Pepe Nation” refers to the alt-right, that loosely defined group of people who are or support white nationalists, white supremacists, racists, misogynists, homophobes, anti-Islam extremists, and other assorted holders of vile beliefs.

They are united under the green frog known as “Pepe.”

That was Monday. And then came another stunning New York Times report.

On Tuesday, still another.

RELATED: ‘I Love It’: Donald Trump Jr Posts Emails Stating His Meeting Was With ‘Russian Government Attorney’

But this time Donald Trump Jr. tried to pre-empt the Times reporting, by posting the damning emails himself.

Those emails include bombshell revelations that he knowingly set up and attended a meeting with a member of the Russian government, or more specifically, the Russian government’s attorney, to obtain damaging information about Hillary Clinton. 

The emails make crystal clear the source of the information that supposedly would have harmed his father’s Democratic opponent was the chief prosecutor in the Russian government. Worse, the emails state this was one of several efforts to show that the Russian government was working to support the election of Donald Trump.

Ethics experts and many political operatives all say the same thing: Trump Jr. should not have attended the meeting, he should have called the FBI.

Instead, he, along with Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort, did attend – and supposedly were not given any damning information on Clinton.

Naturally, some prominent conservatives, some from the “alt-right,” some not, are now voicing their full support – not for their country, not for law, justice, or democracy – but for the president’s son.

Bill O’Reilly, perhaps desperate for relevance after his unceremonious exit from Fox News, posted this:

Naturally, Sean Hannity, who had a strong hand in getting Trump elected, is offering his platform to Trump Jr. tonight. 

Mike Huckabee:

Alt-right leader and Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson:

Brexit leader and radical right nationalist Nigel Farage:

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange: 

Convicted felon and conservative “thought leader” Dinesh D’Souza:

More Hannity:

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