A Clear and Present Danger to the National Security of the United States

Trump’s Latest Tweets on the Eve of the July 4 Holiday Need to Be Seen by Rational Persons as a Threat to Peace and Stability for All Humanity

As the United States celebrates its 241st year of independence, a by far greater struggle awaits it as a nation. Never before in its history has the American republic been led by a president who quite literally represents a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. 

President Donald Trump has degraded and cheapened the office he holds, making himself and his staff a working paradoxical tale of a badly written televised reality story about a dysfunctional West Wing. His approval ratings have now dipped into the mid to low 30’s, reflecting this fact, which is unheard of for any presidency in its first few months. Worse yet, he attacks private and public persons ad hominem with no clear indication of any modicum of self awareness and personal responsibility to uphold the traditions, ethics, and reputation of his office. His war on the media shows a frightening callous disregard for the very document he swore to protect, defend, and uphold.

He has used the presidency which a former president, Theodore Roosevelt, once described as a “bully pulpit,” to literally cajole and bully people who have disagreed with his politics or have, in his eyes, rendered a perceived insult to him personally. Every action, public statement, or social media utterance now has the flavor of the proverbial “crazy uncle” that families are loath to acknowledge.

While he continues his never-ending assault on the character and reputation of the office which he frankly appears to use only as a prop for his massive ego without fear of apparent repudiation from his own party leadership in Congress, there grows a greater danger.

His lack of comprehension, lack of even a school boy’s basic knowledge of political means and history, or events that lead up to catastrophic events appear to be placing the entire globe on the edge of the precipice that is war in a nuclear age.  

His latest tweets on the eve of the July 4 holiday need to be seen by rational persons for the threat to peace and stability for all humanity that they are. Watching this train wreck of foreign policy is not only disheartening, but frightening. 

Should he cross that threshold, in this instance unlike previously in the history of humanity, there quite likely will be no recovery.

Brody Levesque is the Chief Political Correspondent for The New Civil Rights Movement.
You may contact Brody at Brody.Levesque@thenewcivilrightsmovement.com

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Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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