‘Could Have Been Other Countries’: Trump in Poland Says ‘Nobody Really Knows’ if Russia Interfered in US Election (Video)

Trump Also Takes a Swing at Barack Obama

Despite a conclusion from the U.S. intelligence community President Donald Trump Thursday morning in Poland refused to say Russia and Russia alone interfered in the U.S. election. 

“I think it could very well have been Russia but I think it could well have been other countries, I won’t be specific,” Trump said at a press conference with the President of Poland, as The Washington Post reported. “I think a lot of people interfere. I think it’s been happening for a long time.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies, has stated Russia is responsible for the interference in the November election, and Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the attack.

“Nobody really knows,” Trump said. “Nobody really knows for sure.”

Trump went on to say, “I think it was Russia, but I think it was probably other people and/or countries.”

Trump’s refusal to admit the Russian President is responsible for the hacking of the DNC and interference efforts via social media and “fake news” stories is of great concern, as he is meeting with Putin Friday at the G-20 in Germany.

During his Warsaw press conference, Trump did manage to take a swing at former President Barack Obama, claiming, falsely, his predecessor did nothing to stop the Russian attack.

“He did nothing about it,” Trump said, while overseas. “The reason is, he thought Hillary was going to win.”

“Why did he do nothing from August all the way to November 8?” Trump continued. “His people said he choked. I don’t think he choked.”

President Barack Obama warned Russia to end their interference, and even confronted President Putin face to face. He also authorized U.S. intelligence agencies to alert the nation about Russia’s interference before the election. 

It is highly unusual for a sitting U.S. president to attack another U.S. president, and it’s unheard of happening while that president is overseas.

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