Trump Retweets ‘Fox & Friends’ Claim of Impossibility of Impeachment, Reminding Everyone of Possibility of Impeachment

‘Fox & Friends’ and Geraldo Rivera Aren’t Going to Convince America of Anything

If this is President Donald Trump’s new strategy, it’s not working.

Oblivious to the fact that his popularity actually improves a bit when Americans don’t hear from him, Trump Sunday night retweeted a “Fox & Friends” post of Geraldo Rivera insisting on the impossibility of him being impeached – reminding America of the strong possibility of him being impeached.

If his strategy is to speak only to his base, the 25 percent or so of die-hard Fox News watching Americans who believe everything he tells them, maybe it worked. 

But if his strategy is to change minds or reach a wider audience, forget it. All he did was post a tweet by Fox News, which is largely disregarded among a large number of Americans as GOP propaganda, featuring Geraldo Rivera, who is is largely disregarded among a large number of Americans.

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