Trump Finally Holds First Cabinet Meeting as He Repeatedly Blames Democrats for Delay That’s Entirely His Fault

Trump Blaming the Democrats Is a Lie, Pure and Simple

On his 143rd day in office, President Donald Trump late Monday morning held his first cabinet meeting ever. In public remarks as it was beginning, Trump read a statement that supposedly detailed his accomplishments, while blaming Senate Democrats for delaying confirmation of his nominees.

Trump falsely claimed, about a dozen times, that Democrats are “obstructionists,” blaming the long delay in having a cabinet meeting on the Democrats. Here’s a clip:

Why is Trump calling Democrats “obstructionists? His final nominee was confirmed one month ago, May 11, about three weeks after the date his predecessor, President Barack Obama, was able to have his full cabinet confirmed.

Trump blaming the Democrats is a lie, pure and simple.

“Multiple Trump picks did not have the requisite paperwork and financial disclosure forms turned in, and Trump waited to make his last cabinet appointment until two days before he took office,” the Daily Mail notes. “One appointee, Andy Puzder, a fast food executive Trump had tapped to lead the Department of Labor, backed out just as he was supposed to testify, after allegations of spousal abuse of his ex-wife surfaced, and the president had to submit a new name to Congress.”

Trump, as NCRM reported last week, has been extraordinarily slow to fill the vast majority of the hundreds of key positions that require Senate confirmation. Per the Washington Post, as of Friday:

Of 558 key positions requiring Senate confirmation, 426 have no nominee, 9 are awaiting nomination (announced but not presented to the Senate), 83 have been formally nominated and are awaiting confirmation hearings or confirmation votes, 40 have been confirmed.

There’s also no reason why Trump could not have held a cabinet meeting with a less-than-full cabinet.

In an odd moment this morning, Trump said if all his cabinet members continue to do their jobs, “then we can make millions and millions of dollars, and we can make, for these people, and we can make the American dream come true.”

And as many on Twitter noted, it appeared that each cabinet member literally was to praise Trump as they went around the room speaking for the first time as a group:

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