Real Fake News: Donald Trump Has a Phony Time Magazine Cover Hanging in His Golf Club Houses

‘Trump Is Hitting on All Fronts . . . Even TV!’

“I have been on their cover 14 or 15 times. I think we have the all-time record in the history of Time magazine,” Donald Trump said the day after he was inaugurated. Not a single word of that statement was true. One person who beat him was Hillary Clinton, who now has been on Time’s cover 30 times (Trump to date, now that he’s President, has finally hit that 14 mark he claimed.) Another person who beat Trump and does have the all-time record? Richard Nixon.

But there’s one Time magazine cover that features Donald Trump he can’t count to bring his total to 15: the one that is framed and hangs on the walls of at least four of his golf course clubs, dated March 1, 2009.

Because it’s fake.

“Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!” one headline reads.

“TRUMP IS HITTING ON ALL FRONTS . . . EVEN TV!” claims another.

(Ironically, President Trump less than 12 hours ago labeled CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC, CBS & ABC all as “fake news.”)

As The Washington Post’s David Farenthold reports: “To club members eating lunch, or golfers waiting for a pro-shop purchase, it seemed to be a signal that Trump had always been a man who mattered. Even when he was just a reality-TV star, Trump was the kind of star who got a cover story in Time.”

Farenthold checked with the real Time magazine.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Time Inc., spokeswoman Kerri Chyka told the Post.

Three hours after his article was published, there was an update.

At 5 p.m. Tuesday, a spokeswoman for Time said that the magazine had asked the Trump Organization to remove the phony cover from the walls where it was on display.”

Some folks decided to have a bit of fun with the real fake news:

U.S. Congressman Gerry Connolly of Virginia: “Connolly is winning so much he’s tired of winning” the headline at the top readfs on this mock up mocking Donald Trump:

Sports Illustrated got in on the action:

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