Christian Former Televangelist Triggered by McDonald’s Rainbow Fries Pride Package

Joshua Feuerstein Says He Is ‘Tired of Corporations Trying to Influence Our Families’

Remember the Christian ex-pastor who went berserk over Starbucks’ Red holiday coffee cups, because they didn’t say “Christmas”? They didn’t say anything, actually, they were a blank canvas customers could customize – or not – to their liking during the winter of 2015. Joshua Feurstein told the world that Starbucks “hates Jesus,” which of course is ridiculous.

Feuerstein, a former Arizona televangelist, that year encouraged his more than one million Facebook followers to take up arms against the right of same-sex couples to wed. He also encouraged his followers to “punish” Planned Parenthood doctors, and make them “afraid for their lives.”

Well, the very anti-gay Joshua Feuerstein is back, this time hating on McDonald’s rainbow french fries packages, which appear to be a very limited edition release, available for just three days, if that, in Washington, D.C., according to Fox News and the Washington Blade.

Tell that to Feuerstein.

“DISGUSTING!” the lapsed pastor wrote on his Facebook page, as the Christian Post reported. “McDonald’s released their RAINBOW FRIES today in honor of GAY PRIDE! Im tired of corporations trying to influence our families like this. SHARE THIS and let people know to STOP EATING at McDonalds! Plus, their food is crap. Really.”

Of course, it’s entirely unclear how a rainbow colored package of fries could “influence” small children – or really, anyone for that matter. But snowflakes like Feuerstein have nothing better to do than complain that something upsets their world order.

Feuerstein now claims he and his childen are getting death threats from “LGBT activists,” which is hopefully incorrect.

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