Donald Trump Is Not Live Tweeting the Comey Hearing. But Donald Trump Jr Is.

‘Hoping and Telling Are Two Very Different Things, You Would Think That a Guy Like Comey Would Know That. #Givemeabreak’

The White House was worried President Donald Trump would live-tweet the Jim Comey hearing, that began an hour ago. White House officials told a Washington Post reporter earlier this week Trump likely would, at least for the first few hours, and we later learned today that Trump is watching the hearing live in a White House dining room with aides and attorneys. 

But not a tweet from Trump, yet.

At least not President Trump.

But Donald Trump Jr. Is tweeting.

Yes, he is a private citizen and has every right to do so. But President Trump and his family have promised his sons would not be involved in politics because they are running Trump’s businesses and any overlap would be a conflict of interest.

Of course, no one actually believed they would honor that, but, there is an expectation.

The Trump sons have been very active this week, politically.

Eric Trump sat down with Fox News’ Sean Hannity and said Democrats criticizing Trump are “not even people.”

And now, Donald Trump Jr. is live tweeting his responses to former FBI Director Jim Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Here are the most recent tweets:


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