Democrats (Unlike Trump) Issue LGBTQ Pride Month Statement Promising to Push for Equality ‘At Home and Abroad’

  • ‘Too Many LGBTQ Americans Are Denied the Full Equality They Deserve’ DNC Chair Perez Says

  • Calls on President Trump to ‘Use the Full Influence of the United States to Pressure Our Neighbors to Recognize the Rights of LGBTQ People’

The Democratic Party has issued a strong statement honoring LGBTQ Pride Month and promising to continue to fight for equality both in the U.S. and around the world. 

“From Stonewall to the Supreme Court, our nation has made great strides in LGBTQ rights. LGBTQ Pride Month is an opportunity to celebrate that progress, to appreciate the cultural achievements of LGBTQ Americans, and to recommit ourselves to the fight for global LGBTQ equality,” the statement from DNC Chairman Tom Perez begins. 

He details some “hard-fought victories” made under President Barack Obama, including the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and guaranteeing “transgender veterans the care they earned serving our nation.” But Perez also acknowledged “there is still much progress to be made.”

“From bathrooms to boardrooms, too many LGBTQ Americans are denied the full equality they deserve. In some states, conservative lawmakers continue to advance legislation intended to discriminate against the LGBTQ community. Despite their promises, the Trump administration is hell-bent on rolling back progress, starting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to end protections for transgender students,” Perez says.

“Democrats will fight those these efforts to erode the rights of LGBTQ people and continue to push for LGBTQ equality at home and abroad.”

“Internationally, equality is also a long way away. According to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, people in 72 countries can still be prosecuted for who they love. That is unacceptable. President Trump must use the full influence of the United States to pressure our neighbors to recognize the rights of LGBTQ people.

“However, there also are many reasons to be hopeful this Pride Month. Last Wednesday, Taiwan’s constitutional court  ruled in favor of same-sex marriage,  paving the way for Taiwan to become the first Asian country to legalize gay marriage. Hopefully, Taiwan’s landmark court decision is the beginning of LGBTQ equality across Asia.

“This month, we must redouble our efforts to fight for the rights of our LGBTQ family, friends, and neighbors around the world, especially those under threat from their own governments.”

As NCRM reported earlier Thursday, President Donald Trump may have promised to be the best candidate and president for LGBT people, but the reality is he has made clear he does not support our community.

Trump found the time on Wednesday to sign proclamations honoring June as Great Outdoors Month, National Homeownership Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, and National Ocean Month, but he has not issued a proclamation honoring LGBT Pride Month.

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