Comey Says He Leaked His Now Famous Memo About Trump to Hasten Appointment of Special Counsel

‘Lordy, I Hope There Are Tapes!’

Former FBI Director Jim Comey Thursday morning told the Senate Intelligence Committee that after he was fired he leaked his now-famous memo that detailed his meeting with President Donald Trump. Comey noted the Friday after he was fired President Trump tweeted that he had better hope there aren’t tapes.

He told the Committee he had said: “Lordy, I hope there are tapes!”

The following Monday Comey said he realized that there was documentation of his meetings and conversations with Trump, his own documentation, the memos he wrote after every interaction with the President, whom he has made clear today he does not trust. (Comey has called Trump a liar several time so far today.)

Responding to a question from Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine, Comey said he asked a friend of his to get the memo to a reporter, because he felt that if it were to get out it would prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

Later, to Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, Comey said, “I hope there are [tapes] and I’ll consent to the release” of them.”

“Release the entire— release all the tapes.”


Donald Trump Is Not Live Tweeting the Comey Hearing. But Donald Trump Jr Is.

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