‘Or as I Like to Call It, Thursday.’: #HeterosexualPrideDay Is Trending Worldwide on Twitter, Twitter Responds Brilliantly

‘How Am I Supposed to Explain That to My Kids?’

For some inexplicable reason #HeterosexualPrideDay is trending right now on Twitter. Worldwide. 

Now, as we know, the world does not need a Heterosexual Pride Day, because that’s literally every day. But LGBTQ people do need recognition, because we’re frequently forgotten, or oppressed, or discriminated against. We have to fight daily for our rights. We are far more likely to become victims of hate crimes, including physical and verbal assaults. In well over 70 countries, being LGBT is illegal. In several of those, the penalty can be death. 40% of America’s homeless children and teens are LGBTQ. And especially young LGBTQ people are subjected to “ex-gay therapy,” which is akin to torture.

Anyone who thinks the world needs Heterosexual Pride Day demeans all the people who are daily attacked just for who they are.

Naturally, seeing #HeterosexualPrideDay trending on Twitter, many people jumped up to hilariously mock the very idea.

Take a look:

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