Twitter Is Really Happy That Sally Yates Just Smacked Down Ted Cruz (Video)

‘Does Yates Get to Be the New Senator From Texas?’

Sally Yates just smacked-down Senator Ted Cruz, and Twitter is really happy about it. Yates was the Acting Attorney General until President Donald Trump fired her after she refused to defend his unconstitutional Muslim ban in court. 

At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Monday afternoon (still ongoing) titled, “Russian Interference in the 2016 United States Election,” Senator Ted Cruz tried to change the focus of the hearing to attack Hillary Clinton, and to disparage Yates for her decision to not defend Trump’s Muslim ban.

Cruz, not happy that Yates refused to defend Trump’s Muslim ban, asked if the Attorney General has the right to direct the Dept. of Justice to defy the President’s order. He then went on to quote Yates’ refusal to defend the ban.

Yates shot back, “And I also in that same directive Senator said that I was not convinced that it was lawful.”

Yates goes on to one-up Senator Cruz on the number one issue he always claims he holds more dear than any other – shooting a bullet in to it so perfectly that Cruz may never again be able to credibly run on religious freedom ever again.

“In this particular instance, particularly where we were talking about a fundamental issue of religious freedom, not the interpretation of some arcane statute, but religious freedom, it was appropriate for us to look at the intent behind the president’s actions.”

Cruz, clearly having lost that round, tried to win the next. He failed. Miserably.

Here’s how some folks on Twitter responded:

EARLIER: Yates: ‘We Believed That General Flynn Was Compromised With Respect to the Russians’ (Video)

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