Trump Homeland Security Hires Anti-LGBT Sheriff Who Called for ‘Rage Then Revolt’ Over Same-Sex Marriage

‘A True Fascist’

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke will become an Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, according to reports including an announcement from Clarke himself. 

Sheriff Clarke, a very vocal supporter of President Donald Trump, has made his positions on a wide range of issues crystal clear. As a result, groups like GLAAD and the progressive One Wisconsin Now have responded with long lists of Clarke’s vitriol.

Calling it a “marriage equality meltdown,” One Wisconsin Now says that “Clarke took to social media to post, ‘Next is rage, then revolt,’ in response to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality. Not content to stop there, Clarke in a media interview pondered, ‘… who would have thought that in the 21st century homosexuality would come out of the closet and churches would be forced to go into the closet?’ and opined, ‘If we don’t resist, we can see what is happening before our eyes …’ It was also reported that in his radio show he advocated for, ‘pitchforks and torches’ and that, ‘If you call yourself an American, then you have to start a revolution in this country after what happened last week at the United States Supreme Court.’ Clarke also took to social media with the call for ‘pitchforks and torches.'”

GLAAD notes that Sheriff Clarke wrote on Twitter “that a supportive mother of a transgender elementary school student is guilty of ‘child abuse,'” and that he said “transgender people ‘suffer from mental disorders’ and are ‘freakish,'” and pointed to this quote from Clarke:

“Folks, more evidence that transgender persons suffer from mental disorders more than physiological disorders…Too often in this assault on the First Amendment, and this very totalitarian attitude from the left that any freakish lifestyle, any marginal lifestyle, is now considered part of the norm, and they’re shoving it down our throats. So if you’re not careful when you engage in this conversation, they’ll look for the trap, and they’ll catch you saying something that’s clumsy or not well articulated, and then they’ll just attack you – they’ll attack you with it. ‘Transgender phobic’ and all this other nonsense.”

One Wisconsin Now says that “Clarke advised Milwaukee County residents that 9-1-1 was not their best option and instead encouraged them to pursue vigilante style justice. In taxpayer-financed radio ads, Clarke urged citizens to arm themselves and shoot people whom they felt threatened by, calling 9-1-1 only after potentially shooting and killing someone.”

The group adds that Sheriff “Clarke was nowhere to be found when one of the worst tragedies in state history struck in Milwaukee County, when a mass shooting occurred at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek. Clarke was notable in his still unexplained absence in which six innocent worshippers were killed and four wounded by a white supremacist madman. When One Wisconsin Now requested records of his whereabouts, Clarke provided a calendar which was almost completely redacted.”

New York Magazine writer Jonathan Chait today calls Clarke a “fascist.”

There’s a wealth of information about Sheriff Clarke, so much so it might make your head spin – then make you ask, “How is this guy in uniform?”

Here’s more: There have been four deaths in Sheriff Clarke’s jail, including the death of a intellectually disabled 38-year old man, Terrill Thomas, who was deprived of water for a week as punishment for bad behavior. Also among the four deaths in Clarke’s jail, a baby.

“According to a federal lawsuit filed on March 14, plaintiff Melissa Hall was shackled before, during, and after childbirth at a local hospital in 2013,” ThinkProgress reported in March.

A “belly chain” was allegedly wrapped around her waist when she needed to use the restroom, and she had “her wrists attached to the waist and her legs attached to one another by leg-irons.” Hall claims the jail deputies also denied medical providers’ request to take the chains off her during childbirth, which made it difficult for those providers to give her an epidural.

Here’s Clarke speaking at an NRA convention about liberals:

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