Senate Intelligence Committee Sends Mike Flynn a Subpoena

Flynn Had Refused to Comply Last Month

The Senate Intelligence Committee has just announced it has issued a subpoena to Mike Flynn for documents related to its investigation into Russia. This is the first subpoena the Committee has issued since its joint 9/11 Commission investigation, NBC News’ Frank Thorpe says, citing a Senate historian.

The Committee had requested the documents from Flynn late last month, but he refused to comply. 

“Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, announced that Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today issued a subpoena for former National Security Advisor Lieutenant General Michael Flynn,” a statement reads.

The subpoena requests documents relevant to the Committee’s investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election.”

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin calls the move, in the wake of the Comey firing, “signs of life” that investigations will move forward.

Flynn is President Trump’s former national security advisor who was fired after he allegedly lied to Vice President Mike Pence. He later registered as a foreign government agent and declared he had earned over half a million dollars as a lobbyist for the Turkish government and from the Russian government’s propaganda machine, RT.

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