REPORT: There Are Now Enough Republicans to (Again) Kill GOP ObamaCare Repeal and Replace Bill

Yet Another Trump Administration Failure? 

There are now enough Republicans who are prepared to vote no on the latest version of TrumpCare, the GOP’s plan to repeal and “replace” ObamaCare. The Hill’s Scott Wong reports that based on his whip count, as of Monday afternoon there are 22 Republicans in the House voting no, another 55 “undecided/unclear,” and just 12 that are a confirmed yes. Republicans can only afford 21 no votes if they want to pass the legislation.

The White House late last week was insisting a vote for TrumpCare would take place Wednesday, although minutes ago Press Secretary Sean Spicer said they do not have a timeframe in mind.

The latest version of TrumpCare would kick tens of millions of Americans off health care. It would also make coverage for people with pre-existing conditions much more expensive.

Of course, anything can change, and votes can be swayed one way or another. Americans concerned about keeping their health insurance coverage should consider calling their members of Congress and urge them to vote against repealing and replacing ObamaCare: 202-224-3121.

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Image by James McNellis via Flickr and a CC license



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