Jim Comey to Testify in Public and Will Discuss How Trump Urged Him to Kill FBI Investigation Into Flynn

Comey Reportedly ‘Ready and Eager’

Fired former FBI Director Jim Comey is expected to testify in an open session before the U.S Senate Intelligence Committee, as soon as next week, and will discuss President Donald Trump’s repeated efforts to pressure him to end the Bureau’s investigations into his former National Security Director Mike Flynn’s ties to Russia. CNN broke the story Wednesday afternoon, citing a source the network says is close to the issue.

CNN’s Eric Lichtblau reports Comey “is ready and eager to discuss” the “tense conversations…with the President over the Russia investigation” that Comey had.

Lichtblau notes that  Dept. of Justice Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been discussing “parameters” with Comey as to what he can and cannot say before the Senate.

When he testifies, Comey is unlikely to be willing to discuss in any detail the FBI’s investigation into the charges of possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign — the centerpiece of the probe, this source said.

The Wall Street Journal confirms that Comey “will say President Trump asked him to back off Flynn probe.”

Earlier Wednesday, President Trump took to Twitter, appearing to accuse Director Comey and former CIA Director John Brennan pf perjury:

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