HUD Secretary Ben Carson Is or Is Not Speaking at an Anti-Gay Hate Group Convention This Week

Carson’s Name Mysteriously Disappears From Schedule

The World Congress of Families is a decades-old shadowy anti-gay hate group that many believe had a hand in Vladimir Putin’s horrific anti-gay laws. Recently, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown became president of the group’s parent organization, the International Organization for the Family (IOF).

About once a year the World Congress of Families (WCF) hosts an international anti-gay hate convention, in cities like Prague, Warsaw, and Tbilisi, Georgia. 2015’s was in Salt Lake City. In 2014, Moscow’s event was “canceled,” which just means they held it in secret due to international outrage.

Unlike other anti-gay groups, including Brown’s National Organization For Marriage, the WCF actually likes to operate under the radar.

Who knows why for sure, but perhaps it has to do with their offensive, extremist views, like subscribing to the idea of  “demographic winter,” the concept that every adult man and woman must make (white) Christian babies because Muslims are reproducing at a faster rate.

They literally are afraid that Europe will soon become Muslim and it’s their God-given duty to stop that from happening. 

That’s one of the reasons they oppose homosexuality: same-sex couples (WCF thinks) don’t create or raise children. (Not to mention their far right wing Christian extremist beliefs.)

The World Congress of Families is also a fan of something called the “natural family.” And no, that doesn’t include families with same-sex parents.

So it’s rather disturbing that HUD Secretary Ben Carson has been scheduled to speak at this year’s WCF convention, “Building Family-Friendly Nations: Making Families Strong Again,” in Budapest, Hungary.

“Ben Carson, Director of Housing and Urban Development in the Trump administration, will be doing a presentation,” the Southern Poverty Law Center reported Monday. “Carson has claimed that homosexuality is a “choice,” and that prison rape can make people gay. He has made other comments, such as claiming in 2015 that not taking a strong stance against the government will lead to “mass killings” and he once said that the Biblical figure of Joseph built the pyramids in Egypt to “store grain.'”

But as soon as news began to spread, Dr. Carson’s name mysteriously was removed, according to the SPLC. As it is, the official website under “speakers” doesn’t list anyone. But a website titled “Budapest Family Summit” lists the schedule and speakers, and Secretary Carson’s name no longer appears on it, although a cached version still shows his name.

NCRM tried to find out if Secretary Carson is still planning to attend. We called Secretary Carson’s office, the office of his Acting Deputy Secretary, Chief of Staff, and Deputy Chief of Staff. No one answered, and each voicemail box said it was full. 

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Hat tip: Joe.My.God.

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license 

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