Hillary Clinton Slams Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump in Hilarious and Poignant Commencement Address

“Defending Themselves by Talking About ‘Alternative Facts'”

Hillary Clinton took a well-deserved swipe at Kellyanne Conway and President Donald Trump Friday afternoon as she delivered the commencement address at her alma mater, Massachusetts’s Wellesley College.

Telling the graduating class of 2017, “don’t let anyone tell you your voice doesn’t matter,” Clinton warned, “in the years to come, there will be trolls galore, online and in person, eager to tell you that you don’t have anything to say, or anything meaningful to contribute,” she said.

“They may even call you a ‘nasty woman,'” she quipped, citing a key moment in the presidential campaign that became a rallying cry for millions. The crowd roared.

“Some may take a slightly more sophisticated approach,” Clinton continued, “and say, ‘Your elite education means you are out of touch with real people.'”

“In other words, ‘sit down and shut up,'” she translated, telling the crowd that’s “the last thing” to tell a Wellesley grad.

Clinton also took shots at Trump and his administration, saying, “some are even denying things we see with our own eyes. Like the size of crowds,” she mocked, referring to Donald Trump’s inaugural temper tantrum.

“And then, defending themselves by talking about, ‘alternative facts,'” she added, taking a swipe at Kellyanne Conway.

Clinton went on to call the Trump budget, submitted this week, “an attack of unimaginable cruelty.” 

“When people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them—it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society,” Clinton warned.

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