UPDATED: Flynn Refuses to Comply With Subpoena (Video)

‘Not a Surprise’ Says Top Republican

Fired Trump National Security Adviser Mike Flynn is refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena, according to the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence committee.

“General Flynn’s lawyer said that he would not honor the subpoena,” Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) told reporters Thursday morning. “That’s not a surprise to the committee.”

Burr, who has been slow to move on the Russia investigation, added, “We’ll figure out on General Flynn what the next step, if any, is.”


UPDATE: 12:01 PM EDT –
Huffpost’s Laura Barrón-López‏ reports Burr says he may have spoken too soon:

If so, Sen. Burr just signaled to Flynn that there may not be repercussions to not complying.

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