‘Most Serious Charge Ever Made Against a Sitting President’ Says Alan Dershowitz on Trump Revealing Classified Info

‘Let’s Not Underestimate It’

Constitutional law scholar Alan Dershowitz offered a strong warning on the news President Donald Trump revealed highly classified “code word” information to Russian officials in the Oval Office last week. 

“This is the most serious charge ever made against a sitting president,” Dershowitz told CNN. “Let’s not underestimate it.”

His implication is that Trump’s revealing highly classified information is worst than Nixon’s actions during Watergate. 

Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor, is a Democrat but has supported Trump’s Muslim ban as not unconstitutional, and has defended Steve Bannon. His denouncement of Trump’s actions now is a turning point.

Dershowitz is best-known as the attorney who had the attempted murder charge against wealthy socialite Claus von Bülow overturned in the 1980’s. He also has represented OJ Simpson, Mike Tyson, Patty Hearst, and Jim Bakker.

WATCH: White House Claims Then Denies Wrong Information in Scramble to Control News Trump Revealed Highly Classified Information

While Trump’s actions may not be illegal, they likely have put lives at risk – including the intelligence source or sources – and likely have empowered and emboldened both the Russians and ISIS.

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