Trump Son Praises Date Rape Apologist

Have You Heard of Mike Cernovich?

Donald Trump Jr. Tuesday morning lauded a highly-controversial “alt-right” activist who spreads fake news and conspiracy theories. Known as a “date rape apologist” and for promoting conspiracy theories like “Pizzagate,” Mike Cernovich has now written about who ordered the “unmasking” of Trump team members.

Cernovich was called a “date rape apologist” by The Daily Beast last year. In now-deleted tweets, Cernovich has written, “Have you guys ever tried ‘raping’ a girl without using force? Try it. It’s basically impossible. Date rape does not exist,” and, “Not being a slut is the only proven way to avoid AIDS. If you love black women, slut shame them.”

The BBC reported last year that “alt-right activists, conservative journalists, and others who had urged Clinton’s prosecution over the emails – took up the ‘pizzagate’ cause with renewed vigour.” Cernovich’s tweet, under a different Twitter name than his early date rape remarks, claims “Pizzagate is not going to go away, this story will be huge!” It is the first one the BBC listed. Another example, of many:

Cernovich also promoted the claim Hillary Clinton has Parkinson’s, despite no medical reports supporting the conspiracy theory.

One example:

Last year The New Yorker profiled Cernovich, calling him “the meme mastermind of the alt-right” in an article titled, “Trolls for Trump.”

So it’s troubling although not at all surprising, given his father’s history of tweeting, that Trump Jr. is praising Mike Cernovich, after the conspiracy theorist published a story titled, “Susan Rice Requested Unmasking of Incoming Trump Administration Officials.” Rice is former President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor. If she did request any unmasking, she was fully within her rights as the National Security Advisor to do so, as this video explains:

But Donald Trump Jr. thinks Cernovich deserves a Pulitzer:

Some responses via Twitter:


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