Trump Says He ‘Absolutely’ Is Looking at Breaking Up 9th Circuit Court, Schumer Says ‘Absolutely’ Not

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President Donald Trump began his day early on Wednesday, posting a series of tweets revealing his tenuous grasp of both the nation’s judicial systems and his sanctuary cities case before it. It appears the President will end the day the same way he started: revealing his tenuous grasp of both the nation’s judicial systems and his sanctuary cities case before it.

Trump attacked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a morning tweet for a ruling blocking his executive order defunding sanctuary cities. The only problem is that it wasn’t the 9th Circuit that heard the case or handed down the ruling. It was a federal district judge. 

In a just-published interview late with the right-wing Washington Examiner, Trump announced he “absolutely” is looking at breaking up the 9th Circuit Court.

President Trump said “that he has ‘absolutely’ considered proposals that would split up the 9th Circuit, where judges have blocked two of his executive actions,” The Washington Examiner reports, after a Wednesday White House interview with the President.

“Absolutely, I have,” Trump said. “There are many people that want to break up the 9th Circuit. It’s outrageous.”

“Everybody immediately runs to the 9th Circuit,” Trump told the Washington Examiner. “And we have a big country. We have lots of other locations. But they immediately run to the 9th Circuit. Because they know that’s like, semi-automatic.”

That’s literally one of the most embarrassing comments Trump has made recently.

He was speaking about his sanctuary cities executive order. The case was filed in the 9th Circuit because the plaintiffs are the City of San Francisco, and Santa Clara County. They cannot file a case in, say, New York, or Texas, or North Carolina. The 9th Circuit covers California, along with eight other states.

On Twitter, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer immediately weighed in, with a two-word tweet, responding to the Examiner’s managing editor.

Trump and conservatives, like Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake who filed a bill to strip four states from the Circuit and add a 12th Circuit Court of Appeals, don’t like the 9th Circuit because 18 of its 25 active judges were appointed by Democratic presidents, and it has a reputation for being more liberal than other Circuits.

But like with most things, someone needs to explain to President Trump how our justice system works.

In his Wednesday morning Twitter rant, attacking the wrong court, he said, “See you in the Supreme Court.” The 9th Circuit, should his legal team appeal the judge’s ruling on his sanctuary cities executive order, would actually review the federal district judge’s blocking of the EO. 

The Supreme Court won’t “see” him, although there’s a good chance they were laughing their heads off this morning.

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