REPORT: Trump May Boot Bannon and Priebus in Major White House Shakeup

Bannon: I Love a Gunfight

Is President Donald Trump, the man who values loyalty above competence, ready to fire two of the people who were instrumental in helping him win the White House? And if so, will there also be a change in “policy,” if there is such a thing in the Trump administration? And who would replace them?

“President Trump is considering a broad shakeup of his White House that could include the replacement of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the departure of chief strategist Steve Bannon,” Axios’ Mike Allen reports.

A top aide to Trump said he’s contemplating major changes, but that the situation is very fluid and the timing uncertain: “Things are happening, but it’s very unclear the president’s willing to pull that trigger.'”

On Wednesday Trump cut Steve Bannon from the National Security Council. On Thursday we learned the fight between Bannon, Trump’s Chief White House Strategist, and Jared Kushner, his senior advisor and son-in-law, has escalated to “nonstop.” 

Allen offers a list of four under consideration to replace Priebus, including House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Congressman who admitted on nationalTV the Benghazi Committee investigation was designed to hurt Hillary Clinton’s chancs of being elected president.

Bannon, after complaining bitterly to his staff about Kushner, reportedly said, “I love a gunfight.”

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