Matt Drudge Tweets ‘Welcome to Hell’ Because ‘Maddow #1 in TV News’

Don’t Expect Any Sympathy From Liberals on This

Right wing news aggregator Matt Drudge says he’s in “hell.” The editor and owner of The Drudge Report, an opinion-shaper and staple of the daily news diet of conservatives and Republicans for two decades rarely tweets, but when he does, it’s usually a doozy.

“Macron. Flying cars. Maddow #1 in TV news. Welcome to hell,” Drudge tweeted Monday morning, referring to the French presidential election, Silicon Valley’s latest experiments, and the popular MSNBC anchor whose ratings have skyrocketed in the age of Trump.

Drudge spent the Obama years attacking the president and last year, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, sometimes with misleading or false “news.”

If Drudge is living in “hell,” there are many liberals who probably are A-OK with that.

Drudge usually quickly deletes his tweets, so don’t expect it to be up for long. A screenshot, just in case:

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