LOOK: Donald Trump Jr. Is Wearing a Tee Shirt That Says ‘Very Fake News’ and We’re Not Sure Why

What the Heck Is This?

Donald Trump Jr. is a bit of an enigma. He tries to look like a self-assured and self-sufficient man totally unaffected by the fact that he was born into immense wealth and privilege. How? By wearing plaid flannel shirts in the woods forcing people to ask, “how is he so bad at sitting?” and going wild-animal hunting in Africa, killing beautiful beasts for “sport.” A 2012 Daily Mail article included tweets that the president’s eldest son has since deleted, saying, “I AM A HUNTER I don’t hide from that,” and, “I HUNT & EAT game.”

Then there was the time he stole a photo and used it as a meme to compare the victims – human refugees – fleeing the Syrian civil war, which has taken hundreds of thousands of lives, to poisoned Skittles. The photographer from whom he stole the image, it turned out, himself was a refugee. He sued Trump Jr. and forced removal of the image. Oh, as it turns out, the idea for the refugee analogy with Skittles he also stole – it’s “based on two separate white supremacist memes with roots in Nazi propaganda.”

There was also the time Donald Trump Jr. gave an interview to a white supremacist radio host, the time he made comments about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders that invoked a “gas chamber” yet he insisted what he said was not at all anti-Semitic. That time he made a Holocaust “joke.” 

Trump Jr. is so “macho” he has no problem belittling LGBTQ students, as he did this week when he posted a tweet in which he mocked them for being upset over a Chick-fil-A opening at a Pittsburgh area university. He labeled them “#Triggered.”

He started the week off last Sunday by retweeting a tweet from the editor of Alex Jones’ fake news and conspiracy theory emporium, the InfoWars and Prison Planet websites, Paul Joseph Watson. Watson, and admitted member of the so-called “Alt-Right,” has promoted the false and unproven claim that Hillary Clinton has Parkinson’s, and made other false suggestions.

That time he set up, with his brother Eric Trump, a cash for access scheme dressed up to look like fundraising for charity that promised time with the just-sworn-in President Trump one day after the inauguration.

Or that time earlier this month Trump Jr. praised a date rape apologist, alt-right leader and PizzaGate advocate.

But Trump Jr.’s move today has us scratching our heads. He’s “modeling” a tee shirt that reads, in big block letters across the shirt top to bottom, “VERY FAKE NEWS.”

Is he suggesting he is “VERY FAKE NEWS”? Is he advocating for “VERY FAKE NEWS”? Does he want to be the poster child for “VERY FAKE NEWS”? 

What the heck is this?

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