Diaper-Clad Trump and Jong-un Play with War in Der Spiegel’s Next Viral Trump Cover

‘These Two World Leaders are Like Babies Playing With Knives”

Leading German magazine Der Spiegel, known for its viral Donald Trump covers, has released its latest take on the 45th President of the United States—and this time, artist Edel Rodriguez is tackling North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as well.

The cover, a response to the mounting tension between the United States and North Korea, features both Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un as toddlers. The leaders are diaper-clad and teetering on a nuclear bomb that’s been transformed into a children’s ride:

The animated version, courtesy of artist Edel Rodriguez:

The article itself, which translates as “Two men and the bomb,” points out that Kim Jong-un “could soon have nuclear long range missiles [as] Donald Trump threatens with a military response.”

“Suddenly even an atomic war seems possible,” it reads, noting that “US President Trump… knows little about the world, but he has the atomic codes.”

“These two world leaders are like babies playing with knives,” artist Edel Rodriguez told Artsy. “We’re all scared of what they’re going to do next, and I wanted to acknowledge that.” 

Rodriguez fled Communist Cuba with his family at the age of eight and is now based in New York. His take on Donald Trump has been featured on the covers of TIME and Der Spiegel.


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