Analysis Finds Trump Visits His Properties Once Every 2.8 Days, at Taxpayers’ Expense

12th Weekend in a Row Trump Visited a Trump-Branded Property

Donald Trump had dinner at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. on Saturday, making this weekend the 12th in a row that he’d visited a Trump-branded property since his inauguration. 

The Washington Post, in its new and in-depth analysis, found that of the 94 days Donald Trump has been president, he’s spent “all or part of his time at Trump-branded properties on 33 of them,” for an average of once every 2.8 days.

The analysis details his visits to his properties in Florida, in or near Washington D.C., if the visits took place on a weekend and if he played golf. The findings can be seen below, via The Washington Post:

They further pointed out that since his first visit to Mar-a-Lago in February, the longest stretch of time the president had gone without visiting one of his properties was six days. (Incidentally, Trump is not at Mar-a-Lago today – at least according to the website that answers if he is or isn’t, all while detailing what the tax dollars spent for his trips there could cover instead.)

“There’s no time for vacations,” Trump said about becoming president prior to assuming office in the video below. “We’re not going to be big on vacations. The White House is like this incredible place, right? Represents so much, and you’re there for a limited period of time.”

“If you’re at the White House, and you have so much work to do, why do you fly so – why do you leave so much?” Trump continued. “Ya know, you’d think you’d wanna work, work, work, straighten it out, get it done, fix it up, make it great, and then when you’re finished, you can be proud.”



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Image via The Washington Post

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