‘This Is Not My Issue’: Russian Official Repeatedly Refuses to Discuss Chechnya’s Gay Concentration Camps (Video)

Journalist Katie Couric Pressed The Official Repeatedly

Reports of the detainment, torture and murder of hundreds of gay men in Russia’s federal republic of Chechnya are continuing to gain international traction. Surprising (perhaps opportunistic) figures are speaking out, horrific, personal accounts are coming to light, and now journalist Katie Couric has joined the fray.

In an interview for Yahoo News, Couric spoke with Maria Zakharova of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and covered a range of topics that included the “ridiculous” airstrikes in Syria, the election in France, and even fake news. Before long, she turned to the horrors unfolding in Chechnya.

“Let me ask you about Chechnya, if I could,” Couric began. “There have been disturbing reports in the international—”

“No, no, no, no,” the official, clearly uncomfortable, interrupted—the first of many interruptions as Couric tried to move forward. “This is not my issue. I am not a specialist in that.”

“But you can respond,” Couric insisted. “Let me ask you the question.”

Awkward silences and interruptions ensued between the two, Couric continuing to press the squirming official, eventually reading this excerpt from The New York Times’ coverage:

This abominable crime by a Russian republic and its reprehensible cover-up warrant a strong response from Moscow and the international community. That would be a stretch for the Russian government, which is denying that there is evidence of any crimes and has sought to keep its own gay population invisible.

“Can you respond to that, because this is about Moscow and the Russian government,” Couric said. The official didn’t.

You can watch the full exchange below: 


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