‘Off the Trump Train’: Trump Strike on Syria Opposed by His Far Right Supporters

‘He Was Just Another Deep State/Neo-Con Puppet’

President Donald Trump’s decision to launch Tomahawk missiles into a Syrian airbase in response to President Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical nerve agents against his own people received public condemnation from portions of his devoted base.

“I’m officially OFF the Trump train,” railed Alex Jones’ InfoWars editor and co-host Paul Joseph Watson, a conspiracy theorist and “alt-right” supporter with more than half a million Twitter followers.

It’s a bit too easy to offer this explanation, but in short, Trump’s demotion of Steve Bannon, followed by doing something he promised he never would – attack Syria – has led his white nationalist, anti-globalism supporters to feel he has abandoned his “principles,” and them. 

Case in point:

This pretty much sums it up:

If the comments at Breitbart are any indication, Trump’s base is really angered.

Here’s how The New York Times framed it:

Prominent writers and bloggers on the far right attacked Mr. Trump. They accused him of turning against his voters by waging an attack that he had for years said would be a terrible idea. They also criticized him for launching the strike without first seeking congressional approval — something he said on Twitter in 2013 would be a “big mistake.”

The most vocal in their outrage were leaders from the small but influential white nationalist movement.

Meanwhile, on the left, hours before Trump attacked, Hillary Clinton announced support for exactly what Trump ended up doing:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports the strike:

Many Democrats in Congress who offered any praise for Trump’s actions demanded his next move is to seek Congressional authorization first.

RELATED: Full Text and Video of President Trump’s Remarks After U.S. Bombing of Syria

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