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5 on 45: Four Voters (And One Non-Voter) On Trump’s First 100 Days



After 100 Days, would these Trump, Clinton, Johnson, Sanders Write-In and Non-Voters Change Anything?

It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States.

For many across the country, even if Trump had their vote, that isn’t something they believed they’d ever read. (And, full disclosure, not something this writer believed he’d ever write.)

But whether you’re a believer in Donald Trump or a detractor of his, certain (not alternative) facts remain. On his 100th day in office, he is as loathed as he is loved, as cheered as he is jeered, and we are a nation divided on just how to Make America Great Again: by his remaining in office, or by his departing it.

To mark Trump’s 100th day, NCRM spoke with five willing individuals about the current president. Each participant’s name has been changed and they self-identified as follows:

A straight, white female and Republican who voted for Donald Trump.

A straight, black female and Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton.

A gay, white male and Independent who voted first for Bernie Sanders and then for Gary Johnson.

A bisexual, white male and Democrat who voted first for Bernie Sanders and ultimately wrote him in.

And finally, a straight, white male and Republican who didn’t vote—intentionally.

Below, edited for clarity and brevity, 5 on 45:

The Trump Voter

Amy Johnson of Florida, 39, previously voted for Bush, McCain and Romney. She’s always been opinionated and vocal about politics.

She considers herself open-minded, having no issue with same-sex marriage and having begun “to change [her] views on abortions since having a child,” which she describes as a personal choice. (“I don’t want to pay for them for other people, though,” Johnson said.)

Between mental health and drug abuse, she believes the country has a major crisis on its hands, and feels that white Christians are the “punchline for most jokes.” (“People don’t want to offend gay people, Muslims, illegal immigrants, etcetera, but have no problem offending us,” she said.)

“We are on this earth for a short amount of time,” she said. “Enjoy life and stop letting the current president ruin your life. Lighten up and just be nice!”

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential primary? If so, for whom?

AJ: My primary vote was for Trump. Truthfully, I wasn’t always sold on him when he first announced his run, but as time went on, I became more impressed with his ideals, goals, objectives and accomplishments. He made the other candidates “man up” and take a tougher stance on their views, which was refreshing!

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote after the primary results?

AJ: Yes, I was very satisfied. He got the official nod.

NCRM: What were your reactions when Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were named candidates for POTUS?

AJ: I was energized when Trump was announced and not surprised Hillary was announced. Truthfully, I had no opinions on the others.

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential election?

AJ: Yes. I voted in person, after work.

NCRM: Who received your vote?

AJ: DJT!!!  I wanted him to win.

NCRM: What was your reaction when Donald Trump was declared the victor?

AJ: Honestly, total shock. I went to bed thinking Hilary was going to win and I randomly woke up at 3 A.M. when Trump was declared the winner, and I could not even believe it. It was awesome!!

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote for Trump after the results?

AJ: Yes, I am still satisfied with my vote because he won and it proved my vote counted. I felt the country could really make some serious forward progress.

NCRM: It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became POTUS. Are you satisfied with your vote now?

AJ: Yes, I am still satisfied with my vote. Being the president doesn’t mean having everyone like you. He isn’t rattled by that. The expression being lonely at the top certainly rings true. He has an extremely unorthodox method of getting things accomplished, but he does what he says and will continue to follow through. I’m not ignorant to think things are going perfectly, but I fully support him.

NCRM: What do you consider to be positives about the Donald Trump presidency?

AJ: I appreciate his follow through and tough stance on terrorism. He will continue to work on stimulating the economy and keeping the citizens of the US safe. Cutting back on the bleed of money. Stop funding to sanctuary cities. Hands down he did the right thing with dropping the bombs in Syria and Afghanistan. Trying to change Obamacare. Unsuccessfully at the moment, but it’s in progress…

NCRM: What do you consider to be negatives about the Donald Trump presidency?

AJ: His tweets.

NCRM: If the 2020 presidential election featured the same four candidates, would you vote in the same way?

AJ: I would vote the same way.  I’m pleased with him and his presidency so far.

The Clinton Voter

Cecelia Knight of Florida, 32, tends to vote Democrat and “tow the party line,” having previously voted for Barack Obama (twice) and before that, John Kerry.

She currently believes the country is the “laughingstock of the world” following the election of Donald Trump and that the country finds itself in a tailspin. “But we need to come together to find a way to survive the next four years,” she said, fully believing any hardship can be overcome.

“Let this election be a lesson to us all that we all need to support one another and provide one another with love, respect, kindness and unconditional acceptance,” Knight said. “Unless you are a racist or you have hate in your heart for any group.”

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential primary? If so, for whom?

CK: Yes, I happily voted in the 2016 primary. I voted for Hillary Clinton. I tend to vote democrat and tow the party line when voting.

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote after the primary results?

CK: I was satisfied with my vote as I felt I chose the person who was most qualified. I was not satisfied with the votes of others, however.

NCRM: What were your reactions when Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were named candidates for POTUS?

CK: I was in disbelief regarding the Republican candidate, however I expected it. I feel that a lot of Republicans and those that support them wanted someone they felt would serve them best.

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential election?

CK: I voted early, as I always do, in person at my local court house in downtown Clearwater.

NCRM: Who received your vote?

CK: I voted for Hillary. She was most qualified candidate, and her stance on countless, important issues mirrored the world I want to see.

NCRM: What was your reaction when Donald Trump was declared the victor?

CK: I was absolutely horrified. I felt that the country voted against its best interests and chose an ill-equipped person with no history of political involvement to be the leader of the “free world.” That, over a person with a lifetime of experience and impressive credentials. I didn’t watch the results live because it gave me too much anxiety. I turned the television off and blocked out all social media until the final results were in, and when I saw Trump had won I had almost an existential crisis. I cycled through a few of the five stages of grief for a good month: lingering somewhere between anger, disbelief and depression. I never thought it would impact me in the way it did. I didn’t think he could actually win.

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote for Clinton after the results?

CK: I stood by my vote then, and I still stand behind my vote 100%.

NCRM: It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became POTUS. Are you satisfied with your vote now?

CK: Regardless of what happens, I’m satisfied with my vote and my conscience is clean. I just remain disappointed with the racism, xenophobia, homophobia, gynophobia and every other phobia that this president and his administration seem to do nothing but cultivate.

NCRM: Currently, what do you consider to be positives about the Donald Trump presidency?

CK: The only positive I see is that people can actually now see what happens when they do not engage in their civic duty and stand idly by thinking things won’t happen a certain way. In addition, they can see just how everyone’s vote matters.

NCRM: Currently, what do you consider to be negatives about the Donald Trump presidency?

CK: Everything. A “businessman” shouldn’t be president. The country isn’t a business. Megalomania and narcissism are not qualities a person responsible for strengthening diplomatic relationships or safeguarding confidential information and nuclear codes should have.

NCRM: If the 2020 presidential election featured the same four candidates, would you vote (or abstain from voting) in the same way? Why/why not? What do you think could change your mind?

CK: F**k yeah! (Can you use f**k? I want you to use all of this!) I believe it’s both my duty and responsibility to vote in every election. Not even 50 years ago, there were women that looked like me—black women—that would be killed or beaten just for this simple, inalienable right that so many take for granted. I will vote until the day I die, because I owe it to those who gave their lives and I owe it to myself to be active in the political process.

The Sanders-Turned-Johnson Voter

Kyle McKenna, 36, voted Democrat from 2000 to 2012. In 2016, however, he went Libertarian after Bernie Sanders didn’t clinch the Democratic nomination.

He likened Sanders to Barack Obama, another candidate that wasn’t another “pre-selected candidate cut from the same mold,” and one who might change just how Washington was run. “I know he’s a Democratic Socialist,” McKenna said, “but I felt if he would’ve made it, he would’ve compromised.” Sanders further excited him because, like McKenna himself, he was actually an Independent.

McKenna doesn’t vote party, he said, “I vote candidate.”

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential primary? If so, for whom?

KM: Yes I did.  I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary.  I voted Bernie not because I saw eye to eye with him on many policy aspects.  I, for one, do not align myself with Democratic Socialism.  I voted for him because in my adult life I have voted in every election from 2000 on.  There was an energy in Bernie I hadn’t seen in a candidate since Obama.

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote after the primary results?

KM: No.  I’m not a fan of how the Democrats award their delegates—and the idea that they have Super Delegates at all doesn’t sit well with me.  

NCRM: What were your reactions when Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were named candidates for POTUS?

KM: I was shocked about Trump.  I couldn’t believe the United States of America nominated that guy to be president. I mean, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, Clinton… Trump? I kept expecting it to be a joke.  With Clinton, I felt the Democrats got lazy. It came as no surprise because she has been the heir apparent, and is technically the most qualified person to ever run for President of the United States. But the only people she excited was the Democratic Base. And rule of thumb is, to win a general election, you have to win over Independents and the undecideds.  She wasn’t able to do that.

Gary Johnson? Hang on a second.  (That was literally my reaction when I read about him being the Libertarian Nominee.) He’s not a true Libertarian, he’s a Republican. Most true Libertarians didn’t like him being their nominee. And honestly, I didn’t give Jill Stein much thought. She’s far too extreme for me so I gave it as much thought as I just typed.

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential election?

KM: Yes. In person at my Fort Worth polling place on Election Day. (I just like the old fashioned way of going to my polling place on the day of.).

NCRM: Who received your vote?

KM: Gary Johnson, because as a third party candidate, he wouldn’t have been beholden to the Partisan Politics that have infected Washington. In order for him to get things done, he would be forced to compromise and it would force the Republicans and Democrats to compromise as well. I think we need a president that is neither Republican nor Democrat, but I didn’t vote for him purely for that reason. I love his advocacy of free speech, his opposition to the Patriot Act, censorship of the internet, militarization of the police and the indefinite detention of prisoners. Johnson was focused on Millennials.

Clinton pandered to Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers (I am closer to that one, but still), whereas Johnson offered the only plan with a credible chance of leaving a safety net for millennials and their children. In fact, when he ran in 2012, the ACLU actually gave him the highest score of any presidential candidate., and he preached that the government should stay out of our bedrooms and wallets. While his plan to abolish the IRS was out there, it was well thought out.  His idea to replace most of the tax code with a single consumption tax was pretty creative.  It would eliminate loopholes for the 1% and businesses. He was adamant about a balanced budget, which he had promised to submit within his first 100 days. And it wasn’t just talk: he’d proven in New Mexico as governor that he knew how to handle tax payers’ money.  I knew he wouldn’t win, and many people told me that I was wasting my vote. But I disagreed. It’s my vote, only I can determine if it had value. I wasn’t voting thinking my candidate would win, and I knew it was going to be Clinton or Trump, but someone has to vote for someone who can actually do the job that isn’t one of the “big two.”

NCRM: What was your reaction when Donald Trump was declared the victor?

KM: Pardon my French, but literally, “What the f***?”  What happened to America?  Am I secretly in an interactive movie?  We just elected a con man, a misogynistic, sexual predator, reality TV star who rode the wave of hate to the top?  What the hell are we going to tell our children when they ask why the bully won?

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote for Johnson after the results?

KM: I was. Gary Johnson received 3.3% of the vote.  While it was not the 5% goal, it was more than anticipated. Hopefully it will make a difference going forward.  .

NCRM: It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became POTUS. Are you satisfied with your vote now?

KM: Yes, I still am. I’ve had people tell me I’m part of the reason Trump won because I didn’t vote for Hillary. Well, I live in Texas.  Hillary was NOT winning Texas. Not a chance. And my vote did more for Gary Johnson than it ever would’ve done for Hillary.

NCRM: What do you consider to be positives about the Donald Trump presidency?

KM: I think it’s opening the eyes of the American people about what can happen when we don’t take the election seriously.  

NCRM: What do you consider to be negatives about the Donald Trump presidency?

KM: Where do I begin?  The man has no clue what he’s doing. There’s one screw up after another. He has proven he lied and conned his way into the White House. Put down the damn Twitter!!! You’re the President for crying out loud!!!!! Gutting the EPA and the Parks Department is deplorable. I don’t care how many jobs you may create, those jobs aren’t going to do an ounce of good if our planet is inhabitable!

Stop pissing off our allies please. They are our allies. We really do need them. I also think he’s the biggest hypocrite to sit in that office in my lifetime. He has a Republican dominated House and Senate who have been foaming at the mouth for seven years to get rid of and replace the ACA and they still can’t get it done because they actually haven’t thought up a good plan in seven years!  His budget proposal is a joke. He has this need to attack anyone who criticizes him. He’s not strong enough or mature enough to focus on what matters. His image is the most important thing. All the obnoxious boys we hated growing up: the bullies, the brats that never seemed to deal with consequences from their well-to-do parents? Yeah, we just elected him president, FYI.  

NCRM: If the 2020 presidential election featured the same four candidates, would you vote in the same way?

KM: Thing with me is, I never decide this far in advance.  I don’t know which party I will vote with in 2020.  We’ll see who shows up to run this country.

The Sanders Write-In Voter

In the back of his mind, Ellis Roberts now feels that “a ‘Donald Trump’ had to happen to the United States at some point.” He’d previously voted for George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and initially supported Bernie Sanders last year, leading the 29 year-old Democrat to ultimately write-in the Vermont Senator’s name for president.

“Instead of being negative I am going to celebrate that I get to have a role in shaping history,” he said. “I am going to be prouder, louder and more involved.”

Roberts sees the “regressive left” as becoming an issue, and feels that “overreaction and the dismissal of any values that are not seen favorable is becoming too common.” Citing a need for the left to pick their battles, he cautions others to accept that there are those in the world that may not like you. (“And that’s okay,” he said.)

“Fight for what you believe in, but simply understand others are doing the same,” Roberts said. “At the end of the day, we’re all just human and we’re on this planet together for a very, very short time.”

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential primary? If so, for whom?

ER: I voted for Bernie Sanders. The crowded, Republican stage was pretty terrifying, and I felt hyper aware of how behind we were on progressive issues compared to other countries. There are laws on the books regarding wages and regulations that date back to the 70s. Inflation has not kept up with wages.

I felt like Bernie had a message that connected with people, that he made people proud to be political and excited about the process. He had a progressive agenda that was loud and unapologetic, and he wasn’t afraid to call out the staged, political bulls*** and talk about our outdated policies and real feelings.

Most importantly, I followed poll numbers and did a lot of what I like to call “listening to the ground.” Hillary was unpopular in the polls from the very beginning, and that was an understatement. She was unpopular with half of her own party, and Republicans were trained for years to loathe her. Right or wrong, it was what it was. I spoke to my Republican family members and friends who had no negative feelings about Bernie, and they just disagreed on policies. When in it came to Hillary, they’d implode just by hearing her name. Counting bumper stickers seems silly, but it’s one way people tell the world who they are excited to vote for. It was not Hillary.

I concluded that the opportunity for real change was going to come from Bernie, not just for his policies, but because I felt sadly confident she would lose to a Republican candidate. This was a popularity contest.

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your vote after the primary results?

ER: Yes and no. I was satisfied in that I felt I made the right decision, but I felt that I was cheated and rightfully so. We now know that the DNC cheated. Hillary was handed questions early, Bernie was worked against by what was supposed to be a neutral party. The worst part of it all, though, was that it was unfortunately doing nothing but damaging Hillary even more, especially within her own party.

NCRM: What were your reactions when Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were named candidates for POTUS?

ER: I thought Donald was going to be the death of the Republican Party. It actually made me more excited for Hillary. Donald continued to be outlandish, so I thought there was a chance she could win. After the first debate I thought the whole thing was over. (How wrong I was.) I was excited for Jill and Gary: they both had soaring popularity compared to many other third party candidates, and I liked that they were getting attention. I strongly believe that we need more national support for other political parties.

NCRM: Did you vote in the 2016 presidential election?

ER: Yes, I voted by mail-in ballot.

NCRM: Who received your vote?

ER:  I knew I wasn’t going to immediately just vote for Hillary, especially after an interview she did with Rachel Maddow that has permanently stuck in my head. Maddow asked her how she was going to “bridge the gap” between her supporters and Bernie’s, and her extremely hubris response about how she was winning so essentially there was no need to reach out made me feel like she truly didn’t care enough about me to have my vote. That she was truly okay with that. So, I was okay with not voting for her.

That being said, I was pretty floored that Donald Trump had gotten as far as he did. I decided I was going to cast a protest vote if I lived in a safe area. I did some research for my area and found that where I lived consistently voted Democrat. Jill was my first protest vote choice due to my strong support for anything third party, but then her running mate (whose name I can’t even remember) said some ridiculous things, so that was that.

I threw my hands up and decided I wanted my heart to feel happy, and since my area was going Democratic anyway: Bernard Sanders as a write-in for president it was! I actually got teary eyed when I wrote his name down.

NCRM: What was your reaction when Donald Trump was declared the victor?

ER:  I literally almost fainted. I thought for sure Hillary had it in the bag: if not for being a normal candidate then because the establishment would cheat to make sure she was voted in. I thought there was no way she would not win. Democracy won… for better or worse.

NCRM: Were you satisfied with writing Sanders in after the results?

ER:  I was satisfied with my vote, but not by my actions. I felt that maybe I was too nice about Hillary in the primary. I kept thinking that maybe if I campaigned harder for Bernie we wouldn’t be in this situation.

NCRM: It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became POTUS. Are you satisfied with your vote now?

ER:   I am. The horror that is Donald Trump being president is not my fault, it’s the opposing candidate’s. Votes shouldn’t just be given under any circumstance: votes are earned by the candidate. If they don’t earn them, that’s ultimately their fault.

NCRM: What do you consider to be positives about the Donald Trump presidency?

ER:  I’m actually far more optimistic than people realize. Not for Donald, but because from the darkness comes light. People are woke as f*** when it comes to politics now, moreso than at any other point in my life. (And at every level.) They are tuned in and focused on issues. The spotlight is on every aspect of politics in a way that it is absolutely historic. Donald won, sure…. but progressive policies are more popular than they’ve ever been, and people are paying more attention than ever. Trump was the b****-slap in the face that America may have needed to wake up.

NCRM: What do you consider to be negatives about the Donald Trump presidency?

ER:  Prestige, class and respect that used to come with the highest office in the land has all but eroded. America look like a joke to the rest of the world, which weakens our position on everything. Image is very important.  And the environmental rules and regulations that are being overturned and relaxed may have permanent damage. A lot of policies and regulations can be changed and updated, but you cannot simply replace the world we live in.

NCRM: If the 2020 presidential election featured the same four candidates, would you vote in the same way?

ER: Hillary could change my mind easily. She could have changed my mind easily. She would need to lose her sense of entitlement. The fact that she has yet to take honest blame has left me disheartened. Apologize, admit your wrongs and proudly take visible action to show you mean it. That’s the key to win over anyone that you have wronged, in life and in politics.

The (Intentional) Non-Voter

Bruce Conroy’s overall stance on politics is to stay educated and “stay out of it for the most part.” The 33-year-old Republican, who voted for George W. Bush, John McCain and Barack Obama, does understand why the current political climate is so important to so many, however.

“I’m a straight, white male with a graduate degree in Business,” Conroy said. “I’ve never had to struggle for equal pay, marriage equality, healthcare or to find a decent job. I’ve never really been impacted by particular politics.”

He considers himself a “RINO,” or Republican in Name Only, and while he agrees with basic concepts of the Republican party, he feels it’s drastically drifted from its message in the last decade.

“I’m extremely liberal on social issues,” he said. “A woman should have the right to choose, a person should be able to marry whomever they love, and although I think modifications need to be made, everyone is entitled to quality healthcare.”

NCRM: Why didn’t you vote in the 2016 presidential primary?

BC: There wasn’t a single remaining candidate on the ticket that I wished to endorse as a presidential nominee. Had either Jeb Bush or Rand Paul been anywhere near the top of the pack, I would’ve voted for one of them.

NCRM: Were you satisfied with your lack of vote after the primary results?

BC: Yes. I have a strong opinion that even though I may be registered with a specific party, I shouldn’t be forced to endorse a candidate that I feel is nowhere near capable of being a successful president. That was the case last year.

NCRM: What were your reactions when Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were named candidates for POTUS?

BC: I would like to say I was shocked that Trump gained the nomination, but I was more confused as to how a large portion of this country’s population felt (and still feel) that he is what this country needed in order to “shake things up.” I wasn’t surprised at all to see Hillary as the Democratic nominee. As for Johnson and Stein, to be perfectly honest, I find both of their nominations completely irrelevant.

NCRM: Why didn’t you vote in the 2016 presidential election?

BC: Just like with the primary, I did not have a candidate that I supported and would endorse as president. The “lesser of two evils” scenario doesn’t sway my vote one way or another, which is truly what I feel this election was. If anything, I would’ve voted for Gary Johnson, but if we are being completely honest, why would I take the time out of my day to basically throw a vote away?

NCRM: What was your reaction when Donald Trump was declared the victor?

BC: I had already anticipated that he would win the election, so I wasn’t that surprised. One way or another at the end of Election Day, half of the country will be happy and half will be sad.

NCRM: It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became POTUS. Are you satisfied with your lack of vote now?

BC: I’m satisfied because he wasn’t a candidate I would’ve been able to endorse. At the same time, however, I feel I do not have the right to complain because I did not exercise my right to vote.  

NCRM: What do you consider to be positives about the Donald Trump presidency?

BC: Withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

NCRM: What do you consider to be negatives about the Donald Trump presidency?

BC: The fact that he continuously taunts and threatens our enemies, and obviously the fact that I consider him very emotionally unstable with thin skin, which isn’t a strong characteristic for a president. He has the nuclear codes… enough said.

NCRM: As of now, do you plan to vote in the 2020 election?

BC: I may… it will certainly be interesting as I don’t necessarily think Trump will run mostly unopposed or without a reasonable threat, like most incumbent presidents typically do. If it is feasible, I will consider voting in the 2020 primary.

NCRM: If the 2020 presidential election featured the same four candidates, would you still abstain from voting?

BC: I would. What would truly change my mind is if the candidates got to switch parties. If Gary Johnson was running as the Democratic nominee and had a chance to participate in all the debates while obtaining the funding and endorsements that Hillary received, maybe it would shake things up a bit. And I know if there are any Johnson (or Stein) supporters reading this they probably think that if more people who thought like that had voted for him, things would be different. But no. They wouldn’t be different; he still wouldn’t have a chance in hell.

It’s been 100 days since Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States.


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‘Misinformation’: Peter Doocy Smacked Down by White House Press Secretary



Peter Doocy‘s efforts to promote hurricane misinformation got smacked down Monday when Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blasted the Fox News White House correspondent.

Doocy began his for-the-camera claims by declaring, “President Biden is fond of saying, ‘show me your budget and I will tell you what you value.’ If he’s got money for people in Lebanon right now, without Congress having to come back, what does it say about his values? There’s not enough money right now for people in North Carolina who need it,” Doocy declared.

The Fox News reporter was promoting part of the right-wing falsehood that alleges Vice President Harris offered just $750 to hurricane victims, part of the larger conspiracy theories put out by far-right wing influencers including Donald Trump.

“That’s not misinformation,” Doocy insisted.

READ MORE: ‘Trafficking in Nazi Race Science’: Trump Blasted After ‘Vile Trifecta’ of Antisemitism

“Wait,” Jean-Pierre patiently urged. “No, that is, your whole, your whole premise of the question is misinformation, sir.”

After a heated back-and-forth, the Press Secretary exploded, “I just mentioned to you that we provided more than $200 million to folks who are impacted in the area, and I just shared with you that people are deciding not to, people are deciding not to, not to.”

Doocy, Jean-Pierre tried to explain, is conflating different federal government programs, all of which are vital to victims of Hurricane Helene, and likely will after Hurricane Milton hits Florida later this week.

“This is nothing new. Peter, this is nothing new. Congress comes together. They provide money, millions of dollars for disaster relief. We’re asking them to do the job that they have been doing for some time under the President Biden, doing for some time,” Jean-Pierre added.

Republican Speaker Mike Johnson has refused to cut the House’s vacation short and order Congress back into session to provide more funding for FEMA and other disaster relief agencies.

“The President’s letter is not misinformation. Would you agree?” he continued.

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“No,” she replied, “the way you’re asking me the question is misinformation. “There is money that we are allocating to the impacted areas, and there’s money there to help people who truly need it. There are survivors who need the funding, who need the funding, and it’s there.”

“I actually said we have the money available to help survivors of Hurricane Helene and also Hurricane Milton. Now there’s going to be a shortfall, right? Because we don’t know how bad it’s, Hurricane Milton, is going to be, and so we’re going to need additional funding. We’re going to need additional funding,” Jean-Pierre explained.

“Congress needs to come back and do their job and provide extra assistance, extra funding to Disaster Relief Fund,” she added after Doocy pushed back. “That’s what Congress needs to do and we’re going to continue to urge that, you may not want that, but that’s okay. That’s what this President wants and that’s what the Vice President wants.”

Watch below or at this link.

READ MORE: Greene Mocked for Weather Control Claim as NC Lawmaker Pleads for Conspiracy ‘Junk’ to End

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‘Trafficking in Nazi Race Science’: Trump Blasted After ‘Vile Trifecta’ of Antisemitism



On the one-year anniversary of the Hamas terror attack on Israel, Donald Trump took a deep dive into antisemitic and Nazi rhetoric.

The ex-president—win or lose—near the end of his final White House run told right-wing political commentator and host Hugh Hewitt that immigrants have “bad genes” which make them more likely to commit murder. It is a charge some say is direct out of Nazi eugenics.

“Echoes of Nazi Germany,” declared former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.

Just hours later Trump unleashed a “vile trifecta” of antisemitism, according to Andrew Miller, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress and a former U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs.

“Israel has to do one thing,” Trump had told Hewitt. “They have to get smart about Trump, because they don’t back me. I did more for Israel than anybody. I did more for the Jewish people than anybody. It’s not reciprocal.”

Those words unleashed great anger and pain.

READ MORE: ‘Trump Did This’: SCOTUS Blocks Biden Emergency Abortion Mandate in Texas

“On anniversary of deadliest day for Jews post-Holocaust, Trump hits a vile trifecta,” Miller writes of Trump’s remarks to Hewitt. “1. Antisemitism: Israel and Jews are the same – dual loyalty. 2. Victim blaming: 10-7 is the fault of Jews bc they didn’t back him. 3. Narcissism: Forget victims’ families, it’s all about me.”

Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt had also told Haaretz, Israel’s newspaper of record, that the “atrocities, including the slaughtering and capturing of innocent Israelis and Americans, that took place on October 7th would have never happened if President Trump were still in the White House.”

“For Americans and Israelis alike, it’s imperative that President Trump is re-elected so he can end the bloodshed caused by an emboldened Iranian terrorist regime, which is stronger and richer today from the Harris-Biden Administration’s incompetence and weak policies,” she claimed.

Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America blasted Trump.

“One year since the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, & Donald Trump exploits our pain, presenting his support of Israel as completely transactional, conflating American Jews & Israelis. It’s ‘not reciprocal’ b/c Trump continues to issue depraved antisemitic threats,” she said.

Amy Spitalnick, CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs wrote, “Israel and the global Jewish community are mourning the anniversary of the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. And Trump’s message is effectively “vote for me or else” — just as he is preemptively blaming Jews for a potential loss. This is so dangerous.”

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Dylan Williams, vice president for government affairs at the Center for International Policy observed, “Of the many times Trump has made something all about himself, this has to be one of the most unhinged and vulgar. You wouldn’t hire someone who said something this weird and gross for a job. You wouldn’t want them around your kids or friends. How can his supporters defend this?”

Attorney Daniel Miller wrote: “On a day when American Jews should be able to mourn the deadliest day for our people since the Holocaust, Trump is threatening Jews who don’t support him and trafficking in Nazi race science. As a Jew, I am alarmed not only for my own people, but for my country and the world.”

Miller also pounded Trump over his earlier remarks to Hugh Hewitt on immigrants.

“The fact Trump is trafficking in Nazi race science should be on the front page of every newspaper in America. Every elected official should issue a statement condemning this. Republicans should be asked why they remain silent. This is NOT OK. He might soon control our military,” Miller wrote. He also said, “Trump has promised to put immigrants into camps and is now trafficking in openly Nazi race science,” which “should terrify every single person with a conscience.”

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This article has been updated to include Professor McFaul’s remarks.

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‘Trump Did This’: SCOTUS Blocks Biden Emergency Abortion Mandate in Texas



On the first day of its new term, the U.S. Supreme Court in an unsigned opinion upheld a lower court ruling that enforces Texas’ ban on certain emergency abortions. The Biden administration had sought to overturn the ban and enforce its policy requiring hospitals to perform the emergency, potentially life-saving procedures. The Court declined, allowing the Texas law, one of the strictest in the nation, to remain in effect.

The Biden administration had argued “that hospitals have to perform abortions in emergency situations under federal law. The administration pointed to the Supreme Court’s action in a similar case from Idaho earlier this year in which the justices narrowly allowed emergency abortions to resume while a lawsuit continues,” the Associated Press reports. “Doctors have said the [Texas] law remains dangerously vague after a medical board refused to specify exactly which conditions qualify for the exception.”

“Pregnancy terminations have long been part of medical treatment for patients with serious complications, as [a] way to to [sic] prevent sepsis, organ failure and other major problems,” the AP added. “But in Texas and other states with strict abortion bans, doctors and hospitals have said it is not clear whether those terminations could run afoul of abortion bans that carry the possibility of prison time.”

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Critics are blasting Donald Trump, who has repeatedly bragged he killed Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that found a constitutional right to abortion. That ruling was overturned in 2022 by the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision. Trump put on the Court three conservative justices after vowing to pick justices who would end Roe.

“Trump did this. These are his hand-picked justices,” charged former Fox News and CNBC contributor Julie Roginsky Monday morning after the Court’s ruling in the Texas case.

“Thanks to Trump overturning Roe, the Supreme Court just issued a ruling that woman bleeding out from a miscarriage or stroking out from pre-eclampsia can die on the ER table in Texas,” noted Democratic communications strategist Laura Chapin, adding: “Trump’s Republican Party wants women to die.”

“Trump’s Supreme Court just signed a death warrant for more Texas women,” warned Dem Socratic strategistAdam Parkhomenko.

Leigh McGowan, who runs the popular PoliticsGirl podcast, wrote: “SCOTUS confirms it’s the state’s right to let women die.

Neera Tanden, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council responded to the AP report: “Let’s be clear that this means women’s lives take a back seat in Texas.”

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